Don’t you just love munching on green leaves? Just kidding. But, as you may have heard, greens are enjoying a massive comeback. Also dubbed power greens or super greens, they will give you superpowers!
Okay, maybe they don’t give you superpowers but they will increase the quality of your health. So, what are the top benefits of super greens and how they can help you with combating the adverse effects of ageing and menopause? Read on.
- Your Mother Was Right – Super Greens Are Good For You
- Power Greens Are the Rocket Fuel for Super Health
- Almost Magical Benefits of Super Greens
- 1. Super Greens Help Slow the Aging Process
- 2. Super Greens Are Great for Your Heart
- 3. Power Greens Help Promote Superb Gut Health
- 4. Super Greens Protect You from the Sun
- 5. Super Greens Protect Your Body from Toxins
- What Power Greens Should I Eat?
- Big Question: Fresh Greens or Super Greens Powder?
- Do You Feel Like Eating Greens Is an Uphill Battle?
- Don't Give Up On Greens! (Even If You're Disgusted…)
Your Mother Was Right – Super Greens Are Good For You
Do you remember how your mother and your friends’ mothers threatened you with serving a spinach-based dish if you didn’t do your homework?
And how sneakily they would add the green atrocity and its green leafy cousins into the dishes disguised as something else?
Hoping you wouldn’t notice…
But of course, you did notice, and you would make an unholy fuss about it. Or better still, you’d secretly pluck the offensive dripping leaf after leaf out of the soup and fling it into the garbage.
‘’An onion can make people cry but there’s never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.’’
Will Rogers
Perhaps you were a good child, and not wanting to hurt your mum’s feelings, forced yourself to swallow the repulsive muck without puking up.
Because of your childhood trauma, you made a promise to yourself to never torture your offspring like this, and may the lightning strike you if you ever did.
Green vegetables were used as a threat, as monsters lurking in the shadowy larders and cold damp cellars, just waiting to spoil our day.
They forced us into submission with the greens.
To this day, I remember walking into the school canteen for the first time and feeling nauseaous by the sickly smell, so typical of institutional dining.
This, I was informed, was caused by the spinach on the menu that day.
There was a slightly perceptible air of sullen revolt about my elementary school comrades.
My first taste of collective opposition to authority.
At the impressionable age of seven, the contempt for spinach, I learned that day, was a common cause, binding us together against the adult will.
Perhaps if our parents had come up with a different narrative, the poor greens would have the reputation that they truly deserve.
Power Greens Are the Rocket Fuel for Super Health
Fortunately, that narrative has changed.
Greens have become superheroes of nutrition and the star of the well-being industry.
It almost feels like a blasphemy to refer to them just as ‘the greens’.
For now, the greens have acquired a revered status. They have become ‘super greens’ or ‘power greens’.
Now that might prove a better sell.
‘’Green strongly influences the heart and helps alleviate tension. Positive qualities associated with green are generosity, humility, and cooperation. Foods of the green vibration are all green fruits and green vegetables.’’
Tae Yun Kim
The wisdom of consuming green plants is nothing new. After all, our mothers knew what was good for us, their intuitive knowledge passed down through the genes, combined with general information of healthy nutrition that would have seeped into their awareness, based on the knowledge disseminated at the time.
Since then, a lot of research has been carried out. And with the advanced technology, we now have much more specific information about what the power greens can do for us, what they are, how to consume them, and where to find them.
Almost Magical Benefits of Super Greens
We know it’s important to consume a fair share of greens on the daily basis. We know that these greens are powerful nutritional storehouses, just waiting for us to take advantage of them.
They can even taste quite good if you know what you’re doing in the kitchen. Despite this, many people consume little to no greens in their daily diet.
Here are five reasons you should change this.
When it comes to reasons to eat greens, they’re only the tip of the iceberg.
1. Super Greens Help Slow the Aging Process
There are so many amazing compounds found in wild greens that help slow aging, it’s hard to know where to begin.
There are high amounts of folate and Vitamin K, both essential to help the body thrive and replace cells.
Superb antioxidant quantities, similar to those found in berries, are also present, helping prevent and heal damage to the cells.
Fatty acids, in particular omega-3’s, round off the anti-aging benefits you can get by simply adding more greens into your diet.
2. Super Greens Are Great for Your Heart
Greens are such a powerful food group; they help prevent heart disease in myriad ways.
One of the most important things is that the high fiber content helps keep the cholesterol levels in your body down, and greens naturally help regulate blood pressure, keeping your heart healthy.
Greens also help regulate harmful hormones in the body that cause the thickening of the blood. By lowering this, greens help prevent blood clots.
3. Power Greens Help Promote Superb Gut Health
You’ve probably heard by now how important it is to keep the biome of your gut in check. This is because too many bad bacteria can flood the body, leading to a range of health issues.
Your body has a natural defense against this via the good bacteria that flourish in your gut.
The standard modern diet, however, has made it easier for bad bacteria to triumph over the good. Something as simple as a daily serving of greens can help restore balance.
4. Super Greens Protect You from the Sun
While sunscreen is still a vital way to protect your skin from damage, a little-known fact is that you can get some protection from the foods you ingest, greens being one of those foods.
The high antioxidant content and the carotenoids found in the greens help protect you from UV rays at a cellular level.
Pretty cool, huh?
5. Super Greens Protect Your Body from Toxins
Our bodies come into contact with a lot of toxins as we go about our days, and these can cause cancer. Chlorophyll found in plants, and in particular dark, leafy super greens, helps render these obsolete by binding to them and deactivating them.
‘’I’m fast, why? Because I eat vegetables.’’
Jean-Claude Van Damme
What Power Greens Should I Eat?
Here are some lovely green gems to try now. You can choose fresh, powder, or supplements. If powders and supplements are more convenient, you can go for individual greens or blends:
- Cabbage
- Broccoli
- Watercress
- Beet greens
- Turnip greens
- Arugula
- Bok choy
- Endive
- Collard greens
- Kale
- Romaine lettuce
- Spinach
- Swiss chard

Big Question: Fresh Greens or Super Greens Powder?
Greens may not be a big juicy burger or a fresh red tomato, but they can be just as delicious, and amazing for the health.
Start by adding in a serving a week and gradually work your way up until you’re consuming some every day. Your body will thank you.
I personally struggle to incorporate leafy vegetables into my diet.
You know, I’m busy and have an insane schedule.
But I do try to eat fresh at least three times a week, or to be honest, sometimes I just toss a handful of something green onto my plate of whatever. (The other day it did look and taste weird with raw herring but hey, I got through it…)
For convenience, I tend to stock up on powders, if I run out of fresh supply or if I don’t have the time to prepare something decent.
Do You Feel Like Eating Greens Is an Uphill Battle?
Yes, I feel your pain.
It isn’t easy to begin with if crisps and cupcakes make you tick.
Like every significant change for the better, implementing healthier eating is a matter of gradually breaking the old habits and slowly introducing new ones. With steady patience, until the new routine has been cemented.
I struggle with this so much too, because if I have a stressful day, what I often seek in food is comfort. This is wrong, of course, for what I need is nutrition in order to reduce that stress.
Don’t Give Up On Greens! (Even If You’re Disgusted…)
But it’s a work in progress, and I am determined to turn this green stuff into a staple. I am trying to convert my daughter into a green-eater (although trying to convince her that a nice handful of leaves is as tasty as pepperoni is a hard sell…)
I think this is going to be a hard battle, so I start with a fruit offering when she asks for a snack.
She just asked for a biscuit.
I said, ‘No biscuit, you can have a juicy pear’.
She goes: ‘No thanks, I don’t want a pear’.
At this point I know if I don’t give her a snack now, she’ll be asking me every three minutes and it’s a long time till dinner, so I have to give her something.
So I say: ‘How about a pear dipped in honey?’
She says: ‘I’d be interested in honey…’
Not the pear then…
So, as you see, a long way to go.
But I guess I must start with me and lead by example.
However, shrewd plans on how to sneak spinach and kale into her dishes are being formed as we speak.
Is that so wrong?
This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.