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How to Triumph Over Personal Rut With Self Care Sunday

Let me guess…You are trying to incorporate self-care activities into your daily program but can’t seem to see any results. It’s time to introduce self-care Sunday!

You eat a relatively balanced diet, you engage in moderate physical activity, you manage to fit in occasional breathwork here and there. You even remember to pop some of the supplements hiding in your cupboard.

You’re doing good. Because small things all add up. On some days you do better than on others. But there is something missing…

Special You Time

You can’t quite get into a swing of things; your self-care routine is opportunistic rather than systematic. Your self-care activities are irregular and rather random. They’re all over the place.

And if your routine is irregular, the results you’re getting are random too.

You know you could get a much better outcome.

But you’re faced with that old conundrum – you just don’t have the time!

If you want to get the most out of your self-care effort, you must put in place some sort of a routine that will allow you to focus fully on the wellbeing activities.

This is important because regular mindful practice will help you to stay motivated. And motivation is the key to the long-term sustainable effort.

self care day
@Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Dedicate One Day Each Week to Self-Care

When I realized that I needed a major change, I didn’t know how to do it.

I had no clue how to even begin. Whichever aspect of my life I looked at; it needed a proper overhaul. And I just didn’t have the time.

My fitness, my hair, my mindset, my diet, my work, my relationships, my attitude, my confidence, my butcher….and the list goes on.

It all amounted to a MONSTROUS task.

Lao Tzu said that ‘’A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’’

Isn’t that the favourite quote of every life coach?

Yes, yes, yes Lao, I shall begin with a single step – but in which direction?!

What Is Self-Care?

When we become aware of all the things in our life that need working on, it’s often difficult to decide what to pay attention to first.

Intuitively, I decided that the best way to go about effecting the changes I needed, was to start with the very basics.

Later, I discovered that this is called self-care and that self-care is a thing.

The concept of self-care has been around for a while and has transformed a lot over the last few years.

It began as a term used in the medical profession to describe activities that encourage institutionalized patients to do more for themselves. As a way of maintaining their autonomy and thus nurturing their sense of dignity, self-sufficiency, and self-worth.

Later, the same strategy was adopted to help people with very stressful jobs, as a way of disengaging from external stressors and finding tranquility in activities far removed from work stuff.

But somewhere along the way, the idea became something people identify with mere pampering and trendy treats. Self-care now carries superficial connotations.

Ideas For Dedicated Special Time

Nevertheless, self-care is a very important idea, whatever it means to you. Because it brings that fire back into your belly. Ideally, you’d want to spend a little time every day doing activities that nurture your body, mind, and soul.

But starting something new isn’t always that easy…

If you are feeling a little overwhelmed with this idea of the perfect self-care routine, it’s time to take a step back.

Instead of focusing on having to fit it into your daily life, why not just start one day a week? Or every alternate week? Or half a day every week?

You can be flexible as befits your needs.

The main thing is that you reserve that special time just for yourself.

self care routine
@Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Sunday is the perfect day to dedicate to yourself since it is often already a day of rest. You are winding down after a fun weekend, and likely getting ready for a new week to begin.

If Sunday is not an option for you, another day might be preferable, depending on what your typical week is like.

Whatever the case, take advantage of the downtime by adding some self-care activities to your routine.

Setting Up Your Weekly Self-Care Routine

First thing’s first – figure out what your routine is going to be on your special day. Don’t forget that self-care doesn’t have to be done alone, so if you have a busy house on Sundays, you can still do this!

What you want to do is focus on your self-care on Sundays, whether that means an hour during the day, or changing the entire routine for the day.

Think of Sundays as a reset day. When you not only get your planning done for the week, but you give yourself some time to relax and unwind, reset your body and your mind for another busy week.

How is it Different from Daily Self-Care?

To put it simply, it’s not. You still want to choose activities that help you to relax, are good for your body and mind, and overall wellness. But you might have a little more free time on Sundays, so you won’t feel as pressured to fit it all in before or after work, or during your bedtime routine.

Sundays open up new possibilities for self-care, whether you do it alone or with family.

Think About Your Current Sunday Routine

In order to turn Sunday into your weekly self-care day, you need to consider what you tend to do on Sundays. This self-reflection helps you determine if these are things that can only be done on Sundays or can be moved to another day to give you more time for yourself.

Make a list of things you do every Sunday first. Then look at your list, and cross off anything that isn’t really necessary or might no longer be serving you. With what is left, determine if any of those activities can be moved to Saturday.

For example, if you do a lot of cleaning and chores on Sundays, could they be moved to other days during the week, freeing up a bit more self-care time for you?

Ideas for Sunday Self-Care Activities

The good news is that self-care on Sunday is pretty much the same as what you would do any other day of the week. It is more about dedicating a day to yourself each week, especially if you don’t have much time during the week to really focus on yourself.

Here are some activities that can be great to do on Sundays:

Let yourself sleep in – If you don’t get to sleep in during the rest of the week, at the very least give yourself this time on Sundays! Your body (and mind) needs the rest.

Go to brunch with friendsSelf-care can also mean doing something you enjoy with other people. Grab a group of friends on Sunday to go to brunch.

Head to a park or the beach with your kids – You can also enjoy more time with your kids without cell phones and TV. Go outside to enjoy the fresh air and exercise. Ride bicycles around your neighborhood, have a beach day or do a picnic at the park.

Have an hour of pampering – You might not be able to dedicate the entire day just to self-care, but at least fit in some pampering time.

Catch up on your reading or creative projects – This is the perfect time to pick activities you enjoy, but rarely have time for. Maybe there is a book you have been wanting to finish or a creative project you would love to do.

Get ready for the weekSelf-care can also mean just giving yourself time to really reset and prepare for the week ahead.

self care activities
@Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash

Self-Care for Introverts and Extroverts

Something to keep in mind is that what you consider self-care might change depending on if you are more of an introverted or extroverted person.

Self-Care for Introverts

If you are an introvert, you probably find that you are the most relaxed when you are alone. This doesn’t mean you want to be or should be alone all the time, but that you often need a little bit of time to yourself each day to recharge and gain your composure.

Have Quiet Solitude on Sunday – Self-care for an introvert can be as simple as just making sure you have some alone, quiet time on Sundays. You need this time to yourself to regroup and relax. It can be really hard when you go all day around other people and never give yourself this time.

Find Nature-Inspired Activities – Introverts also tend to enjoy time outdoors, again in a quiet and peaceful environment. Try to find some activities you can participate in that will encourage you to spend more time outside.

Embrace Your Creative Side – An amazing way to practice self-care as an introvert is to do something creative. Learn how to crochet, write a poem or short story, color in an adult coloring book, or start painting.

Self-Care for Extroverts

Extroverts are more social creatures, getting their energy from being around other people. If you consider yourself an extrovert, you probably enjoy time with others more than time alone. But what does that mean for your self-care routine? Here are some tips for practicing self-care when you are an extrovert.

Enjoy Social Time with Friends – What might be a little more up your alley is scheduling time with friends. What better way to practice self-care than spend time with those you love the most?

Volunteer Your TimeLooking for something more meaningful and fulfilling? You might like to volunteer somewhere as your self-care. Look into local community centers or animal shelters that are open on Sunday and see if they need any help.

Join a Local Club – Another social activity that helps with your self-care is joining a local club, like a book club. Not only will you be encouraged to read more, but you can get together once a week with your book club to chat and talk about the book.

Tips for Your Sunday Self-Care Routine

Here are a few more tips for making sure you have a good Sunday self-care routine, and really understand what self-care means and how to avoid common mistakes.

It Encompasses Emotional, Mental, and Physical Health

Self-care does not fulfill just one need in your life. Different activities provoke different benefits in your life, including helping with your emotional, mental, and physical health.

What works best for you is going to be something that helps you feel relaxed, de-stressed, improves your mood, and is something you absolutely love to do.

Your Self-Care Needs Can Change Regularly

Just because you have committed to writing in your journal and meditating every morning for an hour as your self-care routine, doesn’t mean you have to do this forever. Sometimes, what you choose as your self-care activity changes, or you need to make adjustments based on your schedule.

Revisit what you are doing for self-care often. As your life and seasons change, so will your self-care and what is actually going to benefit you the most.

A Common Mistake is Forcing Yourself

This can’t be said enough – your self-care routine should not make you more stressed! This is a sign that you are forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do and that is doing nothing for you.

It might be because your friend is participating in this form of self-care, or you read that it is a good idea. But remember everyone is different and everyone is going to benefit from different things.

Take time out from your set routine and take care of your needs.

self care ritual

Just one day a week.

Pause. Reflect. Do nothing. Reset.

It’s important to remember that:

  • Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight
  • To achieve lasting change, tackle one thing at a time so that every area gets the attention it needs to generate change at the roots and not just on the surface
  • It’s totally ok to go slow

You don’t have to drive yourself crazy with a strict routine, where each day is crammed full of self-care activities. But you do need to carve out some regular time for that which makes you feel great.

After all, a little effort is better than none. And who knows? Perhaps this small step is the first one of many to healthier and happier you!

@Feature Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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