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3 Powerful Slimming Drinks For Menopause Weight Control You Can Make at Home

3 Powerful Slimming Drinks For Menopause Weight Control You Can Make at Home

If you are in perimenopause, menopause or post menopause, chances are you’re frustrated at your weight gain and looking to do something about it. Yes, losing weight is a monstrous mountain to conquer. I can feel you quiver in your boots. Good news is that you can start your menopause weight loss management journey by drinking the right stuff. Read on to learn about the best slimming drinks for menopause weight control.

In the fight against excess kilograms, slimming drinks play an important role.

In the modern world, obesity is becoming a problem for an increasing number of people, regardless of age, gender or social status.

Sedentary work, a sedentary lifestyle, a huge number of places for a snack on the run.

Sooner or later, these factors lead to increase in body weight.

Fighting excess weight has subsequently become a priority for many of us.

Things get even more complicated for women as we mature.

As you age and face menopause, your metabolism slows.

And not only does your metabolic rate slow down.

Your appetite increases!

Melon water for slimmer figure.
Photo by pexels-bruno-scramgnon-1337825

Hormonal changes that take place in your body during menopause can cause mood swings, stress, anxiety and even depression.

Since menopause can also coincide with the phase of your life where you have to face other challenges as well, it’s a recipe for a guaranteed weight gain.

Constant pressures of managing the family life, work obligations and other commitments, combined with the menopausal havoc can easily lead to emotional overeating.

That means that you can no longer eat whatever you feel like and whenever you feel like it, without lasting consequences.

Simply put, you can’t get away with that kind of shit anymore.

Start Your Menopause Weight Control By Drinking Well

It’s not a secret for anyone that it’s much more difficult to lose weight than to gain some.

And it’s no secret that it becomes way tougher for women as they grow older.

To cope with this difficult task, you need exercise, fitness, a balanced diet, as well as tasty and healthy drinks for weight loss.

Everyone who has faced the problem of excess weight begins their path to weight loss with attempts to limit themselves in what concerns food.

Often, this method does not bring the desired result. Restrictive diets are simply not sustainable long-term. In my personal experience, not even short-term! Quite frankly, I gave up before the first day was out!

Menopause weight control.
Photo by pexels-cottonbro-studio-8957498

So what, in this case, do you need to achieve your ideal healthy weight?

Well, of course, the best way to help get rid of the excess kilograms is to eat a nutritious balanced diet.

Not a restrictive one that will drive you nuts.

But a diet where you will gradually eliminate the bad stuff and replace it with the good stuff.

And part of that well-balanced gradual transition is provided by fat-burning drinks.

These drinks also contribute to body-cleansing, restoration of health and will give you that nice fuzzy feeling of an elevated standard of living.

They are low-calorie, taste good, and are easy to make.

So let’s dive in, shall we?

Rules For the Use of Slimming Drinks For Menopause Weight Loss

To achieve a positive result with the use of beverages that help to get rid of extra kilograms, you should adhere to some completely uncomplicated rules:

1. The slimming organism is susceptible to dehydration, which is why it’s necessary to drink at least 2-2.5 litres of liquids per day;

2. To achieve a long-term result, all fat-burning drinks should be taken in strict dosages and, preferably, on an ongoing basis;

3. During the diet, tea (preferably green) and natural ground coffee are allowed without the addition of fatty cream and sugar;

4. All nutritionists, without exception, have ruled against the intake of liquids during meals. It’s better to drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal or an hour after;

5. In order to avoid edema, do not drink any liquids just before bedtime;

6. Slimming drinks should be consumed three times a day preferably.

Green tea for successful menopause weight management.
Photo by pexels-pixabay-461428

Types Of Drinks For Weight Control During Menopause

Drinks that effectively fight excess weight are special herbal teas with spices and honey, fruit and vegetable cocktails, berry smoothies.

Here, we’ll add the novelty that has recently made its way into the world of slimming – Sassy Water (named for the nutritionist who created it).

It should be noted that, along with the consumption of these drinks, not only does one lose weight.

As additional benefits, your body will also be relieved of any slag, the antioxidants will eliminate toxins, the metabolism will be accelerated, and the digestion process will improve.

As a result, you’ll feel an unprecedented burst of energy.

Recipes For Best Slimming Drinks To Help You Manage Those Excess Kilos

Recipe #1. The Miracle Sassy Water

There’s nothing complicated about Sassy Water. Yet it’s great for menopause weight control.

To make it, you need a couple of litres of pure still water, a ginger root, fresh mint or melissa, a small cucumber and lemons.

Prepare it in the evening, so that during the night, it has infused and absorbed all the useful substances.

Prepare only one helping if you want to enjoy a fresh drink the next morning.

All of the solid ingredients must be thoroughly washed, crushed and mixed with the two litres of water.

That’s it, the drink is ready!

Keep Sassy Water preferably in a cool place. Every night, you will have to prepare a new portion of the cocktail.

Sassy water.
Photo by marion-botella-uaHShoIDGeo-unsplash

It’s recommended to drink it the next morning on an empty stomach.

The first portion is one glass, then, during the day, you need to drink the rest of the mixture.

The ingredients in the drink have a beneficial effect on the body.

The fibre-rich cucumber kills the feeling of mild hunger and slows down the transformation of carbohydrates into fats.

Recipe #2. Green herbal cocktails

The green herbal cocktail is jam-packed with vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, macro- and micronutrients.

To make this truly healing drink, you need a set of your favorite fresh herbs, a little water, a blender, any vegetables or fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, bell peppers, avocados, apples, grapefruit, kiwis…).

To add more healing benefits, add a pinch of spice (a mixture of peppers or Provencal herbs would be great for a vegetable cocktail), cinnamon, vanilla, ground sweet paprika, cloves and other seasonings.

All of the prepared ingredients should be simply ground in a blender.

Then half of the result splashed with water and put in a refrigerator for a while.

This green cocktail fights off hunger well and can easily be used as a pre-lunch snack.

Recipe #3. Beetroot and carrot-apple juice with celery

In the application of beet juice, one very important point needs to be considered: this juice cannot be consumed in its pure form, to avoid problems associated with cardiac activity and digestion.

To accustom the organism to beet juice, it’s necessary to up the dose gradually, starting from 50 ml and diluting it with juice or water.

So, for the preparation of beetroot-carrot-apple juice, you will need beets, carrots, green apple, celery and pure filtered water.

Beetroot, carrot, apple and celery smoothie.
Photo by pexels-jacqueline-spotto-12018245

All of the ingredients must, as usual, be ground in the blender, splashed with water and left in the cold for a couple of hours.

You can drink this juice throughout the day.

This super-useful cocktail will contribute to the removal of toxins, cleanse the vessels, improve the general condition of the body and fill it with energy.

Drink Yourself To Health

The use of beverages for weight loss has a beneficial effect on the human body as it helps get rid of excess weight and accumulated slag.

But not only will they rejuvenate your body.

Sipping on these power cocktails also improves your mood and appearance.

So, if you want your zing and your body back, give it a go and incorporate these drinks into your diet plan.


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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