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3 Extra Helpful Self-Care Tips To Ease Your Menopause Fatigue

3 Extra Helpful Self-Care Tips To Ease Your Menopause Fatigue

All those physical and mental symptoms you’re battling when the hormone start playing up as you mature, can take a massive toll on your wellbeing. Sometimes, you just need to unwind and let go. Try these extra tips that will add pep to your menopause self-care routine.

In the previous posts, we briefly looked at some common conditions causing fatigue, including menopause. I shared a few simple tips on how to combat mental exhaustion, how to raise energy levels with easy activities and basic foods, and how to have a good sleep. I saved the last part in the series for a few additional but essential menopause self-care tips that will help you boost the energy.

1. How To Improve Your Energy by Staying Hydrated

In my previous posts about menopause fatigue, hydration has been mentioned several times.

That’s because it’s so important. Not only during menopause but in general self-care. By some estimates, about 75 percent of us are chronically dehydrated. So many people either drink too little water, or they drink other beverages for thirst instead of water.

This is not good, because water affects every organ and function in your body. Whether you get headaches, suffer from sinus problems, dry skin, brittle nails, frizzy hair or something else, it may all be traced to not drinking enough water. No matter what you’ve heard, nothing is better for hydration than drinking regular unadulterated filtered water.

But, since even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, here are some tips to ensure that you get enough water in every single day. If at any part of the day water tastes “funny” to you even though it’s fresh filtered water, try brushing your teeth because you’re likely just tasting your breath instead of your water. Yes, it’s true.

Self care for menopause fatigue
Photo by pexels-suhairy-tri-yadhi

Keep Water Handy

Instead of thinking that you must guzzle water, just have it handy.

Keep a container of water with you always and sip it whenever you’re thirsty or hungry between meals.

Because most of us ignore our thirst signals, sometimes the body will signal hunger even when it’s not mealtime to try to get moisture into your body.

Drink Water Before, During and After Working Out

When you work out, you need a little extra water to replace what you lose over your basic needs.

Simply drink about four ounces of water before your workout.

Have some to sip occasionally during your workout.

And then drink another four ounces after your workout.

Add Fruit to Your Water

If you want a change of pace, put a pitcher of water in your fridge with different types of fruit and even herbs.

For example, sliced oranges and mint are good together. So are lemon and strawberry.

Cucumber also makes water taste fresh and delicious and gives it a little extra something as a change of pace without adding unhealthy sugars.

Avoid Other Beverages

Even if you enjoy coffee, coke, tea and so forth, none of these are hydrating.

Make it a rule that you can only enjoy something else once you drink your mandated amount of water depending on your weight.

If you must have your morning coffee, add an extra few ounces of water to your day since it’s so dehydrating.

Infused water
Photo by pexels-kübra-arslaner

Start and End Your Day with Fruit-Infused Water

You can even heat it up as a pick-me-up or relaxing beverage in the evening.

Just choose your fruit wisely.

Try mint and orange in the morning, and berries and chamomile in the evening.

Drink Water with All Your Meals

Water needs to be the beverage of choice with meals.

Some experts on digestion believe you should drink your water before and after your meal and not with it, so that your digestive juices are strong enough to digest your food.

Test it out to see if it makes a difference for you.

Like most things, enough is the best, but too much is not good. Be aware of people trying to tell you to drink too much water.

To calculate your needs, simply take your weight in pounds, divide by two, and then drink that many ounces of water all throughout the day.

Do not guzzle water or drink water too fast, as drinking too much too fast can be very dangerous and unhealthy.

Instead, make water drinking part of your daily life to enjoy all throughout the day.

2. How Colours Can Lift Your Mood As Part of Your Menopause Self-Care

One way to get more energy is to incorporate essential oils and color therapy into your life. Studies show that certain colours provide energy, while others provide calmness, and some even make you hungry.

Fast food restaurants use colour extensively to get you in and out fast, and movie theaters and malls often pump in the smell of popped corn or other food to get their customers to buy more food.

If it’s good enough for retail, it’s good enough for you. After all, they’ve spent the money on the studies and if it didn’t work, they would have stopped doing it already.

Vibrant colours to lift your mood
Photo by pexels-anna-shvets

The Right Colours for the Right Moods

Try to find ways to incorporate the right colours for the right mood you want to elicit in yourself and others into the rooms and environment that you want them to feel that way in.

For example, red and violet are known as energy colours, but they may also cause problems with concentration. If you work in a high energy place, red and violet can work, but if you want to make people feel happy and also productive, choose green and yellows.

Just because you want to be energetic doesn’t mean everything should be red, but it may mean that the wall in the exercise room should be red. It may also mean that any room you want to relax in should be a shade of blue. This is a great color for a waiting room, for example. A soft blue that is almost white can be very soothing.

3. Use Scents In Menopause Self-Care Routine

Scents can also make a huge difference in your energy levels. However, be cautious because some people are allergic to scents. If you’re using high-quality essential oils, you may have more luck with scents for energy.

The Right Scents for the Right Moods

Some scents that can provide energy are:

The best thing to do is to buy the best essential oils you can afford and then experiment. Give each new scent at least 21 days before you make a judgment, unless it causes sinus issues or allergic reactions.

Since there are so many essential oil scents that can be mood lifters and energy boosters, you have a lot to choose from.

Remember, if you want to be energetic tomorrow, use something calming at night. Only use the ones above during the time that you want to feel more energetic.

Scents for beating fatigue
Photo by taisiia-stupak

Final Word

Recharging your body and overcoming fatigue so that you can get your life back is one of the most important ways you can improve the quality of your life.

There’s no reason you need to be exhausted and tired all the time. If it’s not a medical condition (and even if it is), you have a lot more control over how you feel each day than you think. It might be as simple as getting enough sleep and drinking enough water.

You are the one with the power to figure it out. Don’t delay, so that you can get your life back and do wonderful things.


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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