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The Menopause Running Guide: Complete List of the Best Strategies

Wondering how not to give up running because of menopause? Let’s talk about something that’s near and dear to your hearts (and your sneakers). Running through menopause with ease and grace!

Menopause. That magical time in our lives when our bodies decide to switch things up and throw some curveballs our way.

But fear not.

Because we’re here to tackle those hot flashes and night sweats. And all the other surprises that threaten to trip you up.

In this short guide, we’ll take you by the hand. We’ll show you how to keep pounding the pavement. Even when the hormones are playing you up.

We know that running is more than just exercise for you.

It’s therapy, freedom, and a celebration of your strength.

So, let’s lace up those shoes and dive into the exhilarating world of running through menopause together.

Menopause And Running

Now, we understand that menopause can make running a bit of a rollercoaster ride.

The ups, the downs, and everything between.

But guess what? We’ve got your back!

We’ll explore how menopause affects your running performance. We’ll uncover clever tricks to adapt to the changes. We’ll reveal the secrets to managing those pesky symptoms.

Also, we’ll talk about nutrition. Because what we put in our bodies matters! We’ll discover the foods that can fuel our runs and support our hormonal balance. All while keeping our taste buds happy.

Finally, we can’t forget about the right gear. We’ll dish out recommendations for the most fabulous and comfortable running gear. So that you’ll feel like the coolest cat on that track.

Ready to conquer menopause and reclaim your track power?

Then this guide is for you.

We’ll laugh, we’ll learn, and we’ll keep running strong, no matter what hormones may try to throw our way.

Get those sneakers on, and let’s hit the ground running!

How Menopause Affects Your Running Performance

When it comes to menopause and running, we can’t ignore the pesky symptoms that try to rain on our running parade.

But we’ve got the inside scoop on how to conquer those challenges with grace and a sprinkle of humour.

So, let’s dive into the common menopause-related symptoms that can interfere with your runs.

And let’s discover some practical solutions along the way.

Common Menopause-Related Symptoms and How To Manage Them While Running

I’m pleased to tell you that we’ve got a few tricks of the trade. Tricks that’ll help you manage those pesky symptoms with a skip in your stride.

So let’s dive into some tips, tricks, and tasty titbits to keep you running strong and smiling.

Menopause can shake things up when it comes to running, for sure.

But don’t fret! With a few adjustments to your routine, you can keep pounding the pavement like the fierce, unstoppable track star you are.

First things first, let’s take a look at what happens when you run during menopause.

Menopause messes with our hormones. And boy, can they pack a punch!

So what are you dealing with?


Sweating like you’ve just conquered a marathon? Check.

Your body simply decides to turn up the heat and unleash the power of the sweat glands!

It’s like a personal sauna experience. But without the soothing music and fluffy bathrobe.

So what can you do?

Opt for moisture-wicking clothing. It’s made from high-tech materials like polyester, nylon, or spandex. These fabrics will pull that annoying moisture away from your skin. Keeping you dry and comfy throughout your run. No soggy shirts allowed!

Layer up like a pro: If you’re a master of temperature control, layering is your superpower. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat at bay. Then add a cozy mid-layer for extra warmth when needed. And top it all off with a breathable outer layer to shield you from the elements. You’ll be the envy of all the fashion-forward runners out there!

Towel to the rescue! Picture this: you’re in the middle of a killer run. Beads of sweat are glistening on your forehead. And then… wait for it… You whip out a small towel and elegantly dab away that moisture. It’s the ultimate runner’s power move. So, don’t forget to bring a trusty towel along for the ride. Stay fresh and fabulous!

Hydration is key: We all know that staying hydrated is important. But did you know it can also help regulate your body temperature? Guzzle that H2O before, during, and after your runs to keep yourself cool and your internal sprinkler system in check. Stay refreshed, my friend!

Time it right. If you’re feeling like a human fountain during your runs, it might be worth adjusting your schedule. Avoid the scorching hot parts of the day. Instead, opt for early morning or evening runs when the temperatures are more forgiving. Trust me, running in the cool breeze feels like pure bliss!

So, dear menopause runner. Put on your moisture-wicking superhero suit, grab your towel, and hydrate like there’s no tomorrow.


Feeling more exhausted than a sloth on a lazy Sunday? Check.

And the fatigue that hits you post-run? It’s like your body decided to give your energy levels a temporary vacation.

Ah, the uninvited guest that loves to crash our running party.

Menopause can bring on unexplained fatigue. Making it physically demanding to exercise and motivationally unappealing.

The best way you can beat the enemy?

But by being patient with yourself.

By listening to your body.

By adjusting your training as needed.

Following those rules, you can keep pushing forward and find your rhythm again.

Loss Of Muscle

Let’s not forget about the impact on our muscles.

Reduced muscle strength, power, and vertical jump height? Yeah, it’s like our muscles decided to take a vacation without asking us.

And the magical powers of estrogen that once helped us bounce back from workouts? Well, that hormone took a rain check.

Here, exercise is your secret weapon.

So how can you leverage your exercise regime?

For example, by staying consistent with our workouts.

By incorporating strength training to maintain muscle mass.

And by embracing exercises that challenge our bodies in new ways.

That way you can keep your muscles engaged and ready to conquer the miles.


Ah, the grace of a gazelle. Or not.

Menopause sometimes brings along a decrease in coordination, balance issues, and a touch of clumsiness.

So what can you do?

Start simply by being mindful of your movements.

Try exercises that enhance balance and coordination.

And focusing on proper form.

Following these principles, you can cut the risk of falls and injuries.

And re-gain your poise.

Who said we can’t conquer the running track with style?

Hot Flashes

Feeling like you’re running through a fiery inferno amidst your personal heatwave. Those hot flashes are no joke, my friend.

Changes to the hypothalamus can turn our runs into a fiery adventure.

Leaving us feeling like we’re running through a desert marathon.

To keep cool and collected, hydration is key. Make sure to amp up your fluid intake. Especially leading up to your run, to replenish what those sweats take away.

And don’t forget to dress for success! Choose lightweight, breathable clothing that wicks away sweat. It’ll help you stay cool and comfortable throughout your run.

For an extra chill factor, consider using cooling products. Like towels, neck wraps, or vests. Those will keep your body temperature in check. It’s like running with your own personal air conditioner!

Timing is everything. Especially when it comes to avoiding the scorching sun’s peak hours.

Schedule your runs during cooler times of the day, such as early mornings or late evenings. That way you’ll dodge the heat and keep those hot flashes at bay.

And if you feel the tell-tale signs of a hot flash creeping up during your run, don’t panic!

Take a breather, find a cool spot to rest, and let it pass before you hit the pavement again.


Now, let’s talk about our trusty ally, hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Are those hot flashes are throwing a party and wreaking havoc on your running routine? Might be time to have a chat with your doctor about the possibility of HRT.

It can help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. Which will make your runs more comfortable and enjoyable.

But remember, HRT isn’t for everyone. So have an open discussion with your healthcare provider to understand the potential benefits and risks.

Low Mood

Now, let’s talk about emotional changes. Anxiety, a decrease in competitive drive, and depression. Check, check and check.

Irritability that sneaks in like a nasty buzzy mosquito through the net? Check again.

They all can try to sabotage our motivation to run.

But we won’t let them win, will we?

By acknowledging these emotional shifts and finding strategies to manage them, you can keep them at bay.

And some of the most effective strategies are also the easiest.

Such as seeking support from loved ones.

Or engaging in stress-relieving activities, we can keep our running flame burning bright.

You can try bath, relaxation, meditation, or breathwork.

Bad Sleep

And then there’s the ever-elusive sleep.

Menopause can sometimes play tricks on our slumber.

Leaving us feeling less than well-rested.

But there are strategies to improve our sleep quality too.

Creating a relaxing bedtime routine.

Practicing good sleep hygiene.

Exploring relaxation techniques.

These can help us catch those much-needed Z’s and wake up refreshed for our runs.

Don’t Let Menopause Stop You From Running

All these annoying things can mess with your running mojo.

But here’s the good news – none of this means you should stop running.

Au contraire my fellow meno buddy.

Running and exercise can still come to our rescue.

These activities are recommended to manage the perimenopausal symptoms and keep our heart and bones strong. By the by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) nonetheless.

Being active can help alleviate menopausal symptoms. It can boost our mood, kick stress to the curb, and give us a sense of control over our ever-changing bodies.

Understanding and acknowledging the physical and emotional changes. That is the first step to finding your motivation and keeping that fire in your running spirit alive.

Nutrition For Running During Menopause

How nutrition impacts running during menopause can make a world of difference.

So nourish your body and soothe those menopause runner’s woes with a little nutritional magic.

Let’s take a closer look at some key points, shall we?

What To Avoid

Spicy foods and hot flashes don’t always play well together. So if you’re feeling the heat during your runs, it’s best to steer clear of those culinary adventures for a while.

As for other stimulants, caffeine and alcohol can be hot flash triggers too. So consider limiting your intake if you’re experiencing those fiery moments on your runs.


Hydration is still king, my friends. Menopause can cause excessive sweating. So keep that water bottle handy and sip your way to hydration heaven.

And speaking of heaven. A balanced diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats can work wonders.

Not only will it support your overall health. But it can also reduce the risk of chronic diseases that sometimes tag along with menopause.

Calcium & Vitamin D

First up, we have the dynamic duo of calcium and vitamin D.

Menopausal women need a little extra of these to keep their bones healthy.

Lucky for us, there are plenty of tasty sources to choose from. Like dairy products, leafy greens, fortified cereals, and even a little sunshine.

So go ahead, indulge in a cheesy spinach salad and soak up some vitamin D while you’re at it!


Next, let’s talk about those fabulous legumes.

Peas, beans, lentils, and chickpeas are the antioxidants’ dream team. These little guys may even help preserve menstruation and delay menopause. Talk about legume power!


Now, who doesn’t love a good dose of magnesium?

Dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds are here to save the day.


Because they help to reduce those pesky muscle cramps and improve your sleep quality.

Say goodbye to leg cramps and hello to restful nights!


Protein, oh glorious protein.

It’s the superhero we need to maintain muscle mass and bone density.

Whether you’re a fan of meat, chicken, fish, beans, lentils, dairy, or meat alternatives, there’s a protein source out there for you.

So load up that plate and fuel those muscles!


Carbohydrates are like little energy powerhouses for runners.

But remember, quality matters!

Go for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, quinoa, and buckwheat.

These will help you to keep your energy levels steady and your runs fantastic.

Omega 3

And let’s not forget our underwater friends—oily fish!

Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are swimming with omega-3 fatty acids.

These acids can reduce inflammation and support your heart health.

So go ahead, reel in those fishy benefits!

Now, let’s have a chat about the significance of protein intake in preventing muscle loss during menopause.

More On Protein

This is a big one, folks!

Protein is like a muscle magician. It helps regenerate muscle mass and keeping your metabolism running smoothly. It also contributes to strength and tone, so you can say goodbye to the flab and hello to a toned physique.

If you’re looking to shed a few pounds, fear not! Adequate protein intake during caloric restriction helps maintain muscle relative to weight loss. So you can slim down without sacrificing your strength.

Postmenopausal ladies, take note! You need that protein to maintain muscle and bone health.

Aim for an adequate protein intake. And if you’re really serious about preventing muscle loss during menopause?

Try increasing your daily protein intake to one gram per pound of lean muscle. Your muscles will thank you!

When it comes to maintaining your energy levels, muscle maintenance, and overall performance, proper nutrition is your secret weapon.

Fill up on a balanced diet packed with fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.

And hey, don’t forget to incorporate some strength or resistance training to keep those muscles active and performing at their best.

Running Gear and Equipment

When it comes to running gear and equipment, there are a few things to consider for women in menopause.


First, let’s talk about supportive sports bras.

Menopause can cause breast tissue to become less dense. Which may lead to discomfort while running.

To prevent any pain or sagging, wearing a supportive sports bra is essential.

For supportive sports bras, you might want to check out the Brooks Dare Crossback Run Bra or the Lululemon AirSupport Sports Bra. Both provide high impact support and have adjustable features.

Moisture-Wicking Clothing

Next up, moisture-wicking clothing.

Menopause often brings excessive sweating. Which can be uncomfortable during runs and even lead to chafing.

To stay dry and comfortable, opt for moisture-wicking clothing. Such garments will pull away sweat from your body.

When it comes to moisture-wicking clothing, look for fabric made from synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, or spandex.

Quick-drying and lightweight options are excellent choices to prevent chafing and keep you cool during your runs.

Remember, comfortable clothing that fits well is key to preventing any discomfort.


Now, let’s not forget about footwear.

As we age, our feet may change shape and size.

So it’s crucial to wear appropriate footwear that fits well and provides adequate support.

Consider visiting a specialty running store to get fitted for running shoes.

Running shoes with good cushioning and arch support are essential.

As menopausal runners, we need to take care of our feet and reduce the risk of injury.

If you enjoy trail running, consider investing in a pair of trail running shoes that offer extra support and traction.

Comfort & Functionality

Now, let’s focus on the importance of comfort and functionality when choosing running gear.

Comfort and functionality are key factors when selecting your running gear.

First, comfortable gear can greatly enhance your running experience.

Running is a demanding activity. So it’s important to wear gear that fits well and doesn’t cause any discomfort.

Chafing, blisters, and other irritations can really put a damper on your run. So choose gear that feels good against your skin.

Second, functional gear can actually improve your performance.

When your gear meets your specific needs, you’ll enjoy your runs more. For example, running shoes with proper cushioning and arch support can prevent foot pain and reduce the risk of injury.

Moisture-wicking clothing keeps you dry and comfortable. While a handy running belt allows you to carry your essentials without any hassle.

Lastly, appropriate gear can help prevent injuries. If you wear gear that fits well and provides sufficient support, you’re taking proactive steps to avoid unnecessary harm.

For instance, wearing running shoes with cushioning and arch support can safeguard your feet and ankles. And moisture-wicking clothing helps prevent chafing and other skin irritations.

Remember, everyone’s running needs are different. And what works for one person may not work for another.

So, be patient with yourself. And experiment with different brands and styles of running gear. It’s all about finding what works best for you.

The most important thing is to find gear that feels comfortable and meets your specific needs.

Don’t be afraid to try different brands and styles until you find the perfect fit for you.

And one more thing, ladies: every woman’s experience with menopause is unique.

What works for someone else may not work for you.

So listen to your body, and make adjustments as needed.

Alright, ladies, now you’re equipped with the knowledge to make smart choices when it comes to your running.


Now, let’s focus on the bigger picture. Running during menopause can positively impact your overall health and well-being.

Running offers a multitude of benefits during menopause. It can help alleviate common symptoms. Such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances.

Regular running can enhance cardiovascular health, strengthen bones, improve muscle tone. Certainly, it can boost your overall fitness levels. Moreover, running can have a profound effect on mental well-being. By reducing stress, promoting a sense of accomplishment, and boosting self-confidence.

So, dear ladies. I encourage you to seize the opportunity to embrace running. As a means of maintaining your overall health and well-being during menopause.

Embrace the power of this physical activity. To not only navigate the changes that come with menopause. But to thrive and flourish during this transformative phase of life.

Remember, every woman’s experience of menopause is unique. Some may breeze through their runs without skipping a beat. While others may face more hurdles along the way.

But don’t compare yourself to others, my fabulous friends. Embrace your own journey, listen to your body, and be open to adjusting your training as needed.

With a little patience, a lot of laughter, and a sprinkle of determination, we can conquer the menopause rollercoaster and keep running strong.


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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