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15 Menopause Energy Boosters: The Best Ways To Recharge Your Body And Get Your Life Back

15 Menopause Energy Boosters: The Best Ways To Recharge Your Body And Get Your Life Back

Menopause can deplete your energy and steal your mojo. But you can tackle it like a pro, with the right tools. Here are the best activities and foods to create energy, defeat your menopause slump ad get your life back.

In the previous article, we looked at the importance of downtime and the deliciousness of doing exactly nothing.

I hope that you’ve practiced some self-love and implemented this powerful and beneficial tactic into your regular routine!

Now that you’re a little rested, are you ready to take the next step and create some energy?

Raise Your Energy Levels During Menopause With These Activities

There are many activities that you can do to help raise your energy level, whether you need more mental energy or physical energy.

Your mental and physical energy are so intertwined that when you do something to help one, you’re automatically helping the other.

Here are some effective activities to try.

Boost menopause energy
Photo by pexels-wilker-lauriano

1. Develop a Daily Meditation Practice

Meditation is an important way to help reduce mental stress so that you can focus better.

Not only that.

With meditation, you’ll also learn to be more mindful of everything you do, which will help you avoid exhaustion in the first place, most of the time.

2. Move Your Body Every Single Day

Moving is something that’s so important that even if you have a physical job, you should still find a way to get in more moving in an intentional way.

Even if it’s just a few brisk ten-minute walks, it’s a way to clear your mind and get your blood flowing.

Anytime you feel a slump coming on, take a fast walk.

3. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Another way to stay energetic, both mentally and physically, is to be a positive person.

Not everyone is positive naturally, but you can start to trick your mind into being that way by keeping a gratitude journal. Each night before bed, write down three things you’re grateful for. That’ll make it the last thing you think of each night.

You can make this even more effective if you use a journal that is also a colouring book. Colouring will soothe your mind and relax you.

Gratitude journal for energy
Photo by pexels-polina-kovaleva

4. Find Your Energy Music

Everyone has positive, uplifting music that they really enjoy and that makes them feel upbeat.

However, some of it can also make you unproductive, so it’s important to try out different types of music for different activities.

If you think a song you sing to might not be the right one for work, it may very well be just the ticket for your ride home in the car.

5. Play a Game

Games and puzzles are great ways to have some downtime but are also good for your mind.

Do at least one type of puzzle each day (such as a crossword puzzle) to help keep your brain thinking and to get your mind off other things that are pressuring you and sucking your energy.

Sometimes it’s fun to play a game with another person too, such as a silly fast card game like Uno just to break the pace.

6. Start a Yoga Practice

One of the best exercises for both mind and body is yoga.

There are all types of yoga that you can get involved in. If you’re a member of Amazon Prime, you can get free videos for beginners to get started.

Alternatively, you can join a class, which is a great way to feel more connected to the world at the same time.

Energy yoga practice
Photo by madison-lavern

7. Drink Water and Eat Chocolate

Sometimes, it’s impossible to take time out to do anything mentioned.

If that’s the case, a fast way to improve your energy is to drink water so that you’re hydrated and eat a small serving of real, low-sugar chocolate.

If you cannot eat chocolate, another alternative is a crunchy apple.

Takeaway: Be Active In Menopause to Generate More Energy

It might seem like these activities will take away from the time you need to spend on things you need to do. But the truth is, the more productive you are, the easier everything will be.

Productivity doesn’t mean that you need to take more time doing something. It means that you need to focus closely on what’s at hand, and not what’s to come.

By taking breaks with these activities, you can help yourself become far more productive and reduce mental and physical exhaustion exponentially.

Revitalizing Foods to Boost Your Energy All Day

One of the best ways to treat any type of exhaustion, beside hydration, is by eating the right type of food so that you can keep your energy balanced all day long. One thing to understand about food is that it’s all just different nutrients.

And the right nutrient are critical in reclaiming the energy when you’re dealing with menopause.

When you think of food as nutrients, you realize very fast that some things we put into our mouths aren’t really food. It’s more like a toy, a distraction, or a leisure activity – an unhealthy one at that.

For example, fizzy drinks and donuts are not nutrients. Therefore, they’re a horrible choice for anyone who is suffering from or trying to prevent mental and physical exhaustion.

So, understanding that, let’s look at some revitalizing foods that you can easily incorporate into your life to help you boost your energy all day.

Remember that if you are on a special diet, you can just substitute the ideas so that they fit your way of eating. The important factor is to consider nutrients that give energy.

Chocolate is good for you
Photo by pexels-polina-tankilevitch

8. Brown Rice

If you normally eat white rice, switch out all your rice to brown rice, or even different colours of wild rice.

Rice that has a colour and is not processed will be richer in manganese, which is a mineral that helps your body process energy from both carbs and fats better. This is a great choice if you want to tackle that menopause belly!

A good way to cook brown rice is to boil it in salted water just like you do noodles for 20 minutes, drain, then set aside with a lid on for at least 10 more minutes until ready to serve.

9. Sweet Potatoes

This is an excellent lunch idea because sweet potatoes are packed with vitamins and minerals.

Loaded with vitamin A and C, if you eat a sweet potato for lunch, you’ll be much less likely to suffer from the midday slump. And that means that you won’t be craving sugary snacks and adding on more weight.

They’re super-easy to cook in the microwave or bake ahead. You can eat them hot or cold too.

10. Bananas

A banana is almost the perfect food.

It has plenty of sugar and fiber to slow the digestion of the sugar.

You can eat them alone, or you can spread with seed butter like hemp or sunflower seeds to add a protein kick to make it last even longer.

11. Apples

This is another naturally fast food. If you buy organic apples, you can just wash them off and start eating them as they are.

Due to the high fiber in apples, the sugar processes slowly – making them a perfect snack to help you get over the midday slump at work. And to keep the middle-age spread at bay.

If you normally start falling asleep around 3 pm, try grabbing a small apple around 2:30 and you may find that you don’t get tired at all.

Apples are energy boosters
Photo by pexels-oleksandr-pidvalnyi

12. Oranges

You know that an orange is high in vitamin C, and of course the hit of sugar will help perk you up too.

But the smell of the citrus as you take out the time to peel the fruit will also wake you up and give you both a mental and physical boost of energy that can’t be beaten.

Always eat your oranges rather than juice them for best results.

13. Spinach

Everyone knows that spinach is a superfood.

Its high iron content is easily digestible by the human body. So adding just one cup of spinach to other dishes or smoothies that you eat throughout the day can make a huge difference in your energy levels.

Popeye had the right idea, after all.

Tip: Adding citrus and a small amount of fruit-based fat like coconut oil or olive oil to your spinach can help your body process the vitamins.

Superfoods increase energy
Photo by pexels-karolina-grabowska

14. Eggs

For some people who need more iron and B and D vitamins but don’t want to eat anything that’s sugary even if it’s a fruit, a boiled egg is the answer.

Women often lack iron and vitamin B and D, so eggs are an excellent source of these nutrients. For menopausal women, eggs can reduce cholesterol levels, lower the heart disease risk, and prevent obesity.

And falling asleep or getting overwhelmed due to studying or work can be avoided by adding a boiled egg to your snack options.

15. Water

While water isn’t a food, it needs to be mentioned.

If you’re not drinking eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water each day, look to that as your first reason for exhaustion. Most people are walking around dehydrated and don’t even know it.

Remember that water is life and the first choice for beverages should always be water.

Takeaway: Eat Right to Feel Right

Adding these foods to your day can make all the difference in the world to your energy levels. When you feel better, you will automatically feel more energetic.

In addition to adding these foods to your daily diet, eliminate all processed food. Some people also see good results from eliminating dairy from their diets as it can be a cause of congestion, skin issues, and stomach issues for many women.

Incorporate these simple activities and affordable foodstuff into your daily routine and watch the wall of permanent fatigue crumble brick by brick!

That wall may never come down entirely, depending on your individual condition, but even a small dent means reclaiming some of your time and boost your energy while going through menopause.

And, surely, that’s a positive thing!


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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