How To Plan Your Life Reset: 5 Pillars of Epic Success That Work Every Time
Do you ever get that feeling that you had this great plan but somewhere along the way you fell off the track and lost the momentum? Perhaps it’s time to review, reboot and reset. Here’s the outline of the main areas to keep in check and how best to plan your life reset.
There are times in your life when you feel an urgent need for a major shake-up. You can plan all you want but sometimes shit happens.
You drop a ball and the cogs in your well-oiled machine get out of sync. Then, it’s easy to fall off your well-run track and hard to get back on it.
It requires a delicate and finely calibrated act to maintain all areas of your life balanced for a sustained period of time.
Just one slip and your meticulously constructed system gets jammed. Even a minor event can upset the equilibrium you worked so hard to achieve. The discontent and the tension can be palpable.
Wouldn’t it be nice to get back 0n the horse every time things start getting out of hand?
To help you navigate the choppy waters with ease, you need a plan and the lay of the land. This will help you get back on track faster.
As with anything, if you want to succeed in your life reset, you need a solid plan. You must have an understanding why you are doing it, what parts of your life you want to take inventory of, and what changes you intend to make.

1. Understand Why You Are Doing a Life Reset
You can’t really work on your life reset plan until you know your main reason for doing it.
Everyone has a different motivation for wanting to make changes in their life. Which is why it is important that you understand your own reasons.
What made you originally come to this decision?
Write down anything you can remember.
When did you first got the idea to make changes in your life?
What sparked your inspiration in the first place?
Know What Areas are Most Important to You
When you think of making any type of change or improvement to your life, what comes to mind first?
Maybe you want to improve your health and lose a few pounds.
Or you want to be more active in general.
Do you need to focus on your work and finances, or start a business?
You might be needing more time with friends or make self-care a priority.
It can be anything and everything.
As long as it’s important to you and something you’re passionate about improving.

Don’t Worry About What Is Working For You
What I mean is not to pay so much attention to habits or routines that are still serving you well. No need to fix what isn’t broken.
Instead, direct your focus on changing what isn’t working.
If you try to split your focus between changing every single thing in your life, you’re going to get overwhelmed very quickly.
When you choose the areas of your life to “Reset”, be selective.
That way you’ll figure out where and how to invest your energy for better more efficiently.
Choose Your Reset Methods
This is related to what areas of your life you want to improve.
So, if you are most concerned about reaching your financial goals, then maybe you want to use a planner to track spending and savings.
Let’s say you’re trying to improve your health to live a more balanced lifestyle.
Will you be tracking your food using apps or spreadsheets?
Will you create a simple exercise plan, go to gym or follow someone online?
Do you need to catch up on your health checks or make an appointment to see your doctor?
These simple steps will allow you to create a reasonable plan to start working on your life reset.
1. How To Set Goals And What Areas To Focus On In Your Life Reset Plan
Life reset is always a good idea.
It can bring a serious zing to your life and refresh your motivation if you find yourself in a rut.
But there are so many things to fix!
It can be so overwhelming and off-putting, that you give up and stick with the old system.
Better the devil you know, right?
But remember, you can be gentle with yourself and take things slowly, and still get life-changing results.
To start with, you can just focus on keeping a few important areas under control.
All it takes is a regular check-in and a few tweaks.
Here are some different areas of your life to consider working on.
Your Small and Big Goals
Look at the big picture.
Where are you going? How far have you come? Where are you at?
Take stock of those goals you set last time. Both big and small.
Are they still something that makes you tick?
Do you want to scrap some?
Do you need to tweak some?
Make a list of all the things you want to achieve. This month, this season, this year, or this lifetime.
Really think about each goal.
Is it still something you are passionate about?
Is it realistic to achieve with the tools and resources that are available to you?
And what specific action will you take to work toward it?

Revisit Your Goals During a Reset
Revisiting and analyzing your goals is a big part of doing a life reset.
You might have had the same goals for a long time.
But things change and we evolve, and you may no longer have interest in completing them.
Or you just keep procrastinating and find yourself drifting towards other things.
This is exactly why you want to revisit your goals and get a little more clarity so you can get back on the right track.
Are Your Goals Still the Same Or Do You Need To Adjust Your Life Reset Plan?
Without looking at a list of goals you already have, write down any short-term or long-term goals you can think of right now.
Just write them as they come to you, listing them off or making notes about some things you would like to do in your life.
These can be short-term goals that could be done in a month if you worked hard, or some that will take considerably longer.
Once your list is done, take a look at it and see what goals you have.
Are they the same or different than ones you had previously?
It is not uncommon to have brand new goals, or completely miss goals you used to have.
This is typically a sign that you are changing, making the reset that much more important.
Do You Feel the Same Passion for Them?
When you start looking at your goals, do you feel the same hopefulness and passion for them that you once did?
You might have always had a certain goal, say of moving to a particular city you’re fond of.
But even though you wrote it down on your list, you just don’t feel that same excitement.
It’s okay to change your mind and adapt to different phases of your life.
You might want to revisit some goals later, but for now it’s okay to put them aside.
Do You Have a Solid Plan for Reaching Your Goals?
You also want to have a good plan for reaching the goals you feel the most passionate about.
If you don’t have a plan, then it isn’t a goal, it’s a dream.
Make your dreams a reality by writing down exactly what you would need to do to accomplish those goals.
This takes a lot of brainstorming and being realistic about what is expected, what you might need to give up, and how long it will take.
Take your time in figuring out the right steps towards achieving your goals.

Daily Behaviors, Habits and Routines
Your success in making a change through life reset is also about auditing your behaviors, routines, and habits, and being flexible wih your plan.
These habits make up your entire life and encompass all of your choices, both good and bad.
If you can look at your behaviors and habits, you will understand where to make changes in your routine, and how it can help your health and wellness.
When designing your life reset, it’s imperative to audit your daily habits and routines.
These are the things you do every day, whether in a certain order or when the opportunity arises.
And these are the things that will take you closer to your end goals, if you take consistent action.
Figure out what part of your routine is still benefiting you, and which habits to ditch.
Consider what habits you want to add to your routine, and whether it’s time to ramp up your routine or tailor it to your current situation.
Become aware of what your habits are, both good and bad, and how they fit into your routine.
Make some notes about how you might want to change your morning or night-time routine to be more efficient throughout the day.
3. How To Reset Your Health and Wellness
When it comes to resetting your health and wellness, there are many areas to consider.
Each of them is equally important, but some are often missed.
When you think of wellness, you probably think of what you eat or exercise, but there is so much more than that.
Your Physical Health
Of course, thinking about your overall health is important.
Start your audit with your physical health.
At the basic level, this includes what and how you eat, ensuring you get the proper nutrients, drinking plenty of water, and getting regular exercise.
If you have any doubts about your diet, health in general, or workout routine, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor.
Your Food and Nutrition
This is probably one of the first things that came to mind when you read the word wellness.
What you eat and fuel your body with makes such a big impact on your health and wellness.
It’s a great idea to focus more on balance and eating proper nutrients in your meals.
This really has nothing to do with dieting or weight loss, and everything to do with fueling your body in a way that feels good and benefits you.
If a particular food makes you feel sick or zaps your energy, maybe you want to reduce it and consume something else instead.
Think about your favorite healthy foods and add more of those into your diet.
Try to get more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, have plenty of protein and fiber.
Tracking your food intake is a great way to stay motivated.
Exercise and Physical Health
You also want to move your body and get regular exercise, without overdoing it.
It’s easy to burnout on exercise when you try to be too strict with yourself. You can’t go from being sedentary to running a marathon.
Instead, take small steps, and aim for just 15-20 minutes of exercise a few days a week. As you get used to it and your body gets stronger, you can increase the time, type of workouts, or number of days you exercise.
Your Mental Health
After your physical health, make sure you are also focusing on your mental and emotional health during a life reset.
If you’re experiencing having heightened stress or dealing with worsened anxiety or a recent trauma, you need to make your own mental health a priority.
There are many ways you can nurture your emotional health.
These range from at-home remedies like journaling, reading, and practicing self-care, to going to therapy or counseling.
Don’t worry if it seems too much.
Typically, when you change one area of your life, other parts of your life will improve as well.
Make simple changes to your habits that will encourage you to pay more attention to your mental health.
Such as talking to your support system more often, reducing screen time if it causes you stress, and relaxation techniques.
4. Set Up Your Home And Your Environment For Successful Life Reset
If you are in the midst of doing a life reset, don’t forget about your home and environment.
Far too often, people improve their health, habits, and even finances, but forget about the space where they spend so much time.
If you have only 30 minutes to do a workout but spend those precious minutes looking for your yoga pants, then you’ll have wasted a gem of an opportunity. You get me.
Your home is your sanctuary and your safe haven. It’s a space where you can be yourself, relax, think clearly and forge plans for the world takeover.
Keeping your habitat safe, clean and ordered will support your sense of balance and wellbeing.
Luckily, it is super easy to “Reset” your life in your home, with these tips.

Get Rid of What You Don’t LOVE
In classic Marie Kondo style, go through your home and get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy or happiness.
All those things you keep around because you might have spent a lot of money on it or thought you would like it more than you do.
This isn’t about getting rid of as much as you can, but just ensuring what you do have, is something you really want.
Not something you are keeping out of obligation or because you’re used to seeing it in that place.
If you have a picture hanging in your bathroom that doesn’t go with your décor and you don’t smile when you look at it, take it down and sell it or give it away.
Do a Deep Clean
Once you have decided what to get rid of, you can start with your deep clean.
This process might also be done while you are organizing everything or after, but some people like to do it before they organize anything.
Go through each room, one at a time, and do some deep cleaning.
Think spring cleaning level of cleaning, where you are cleaning inside drawers and cabinets, windows and window frames, baseboards, and walls.
It feels like a fresh start just with this one simple (but labor-intensive) action.
Organize Cabinets, Closets, and Drawers
If you haven’t done so already, organize different areas of your home that tend to get a little cluttered.
This is often junk drawers and cabinets where you tend to just throw a bunch of random stuff, bedroom closets, underneath your bathroom sink, and in the garage or your car.
Organize in a way that makes sense and where you can easily find what you need.
Consider Simplifying Your Decor
Finally, as you finish resetting your life with your home, you might want to switch up your décor or the items you choose to have in your home.
Many people find that when time comes for a reset, they want to freshen things up, bring some new décor in, and just really simplify everything.
5. Audit and Reset Your Finances
Resetting your life should encompass every area of your life, not just your health or habits.
It should also include your finances. This is such a big part of your life, and impacts whether you can reach your goals or not.
Here are some things to know about working on your finances, and why it should be a priority.

What are Your Financial Goals?
Start simple by writing down exactly what your financial goals are.
Be as specific as you can, down to the amount of money you want to earn or save to achieve those goals.
While your financial goals will be specific to you, here are some questions that can help get you started:
- Do you have an emergency savings account?
- Is there a certain amount you want to save?
- Are you caught up on bills?
- Do you want to start working on your debt?
- Are you saving money for a vacation or a house?
- Do you have long-term financial goals?
Where Do You Feel You Are Falling Behind?
Looking at the financial goals you have, in what areas do you feel like you are falling behind?
Maybe you are having trouble to stick to a budget or don’t even have a budget.
Or you’re spending too much money in one certain area of your life.
It can help to use a journal to figure this out, as it might be hard to just think of right away.
When thinking about money and your financial situation, what stresses you out the most?
Maybe it’s your student loans you are trying to pay off, or saving money for a house.
When Something Comes Up, Can You Afford to Cover it?
A good way to determine if you are on track to your financial freedom, think about what you would do if an emergency or setback occurred.
If suddenly your car broke down, could you afford expensive repairs?
If not, this is probably a good way to start.
During a life reset, you are just trying to figure out your priorities and made a good plan moving forward.
You want to start with the most important thing first, so if you have no emergency fund, this really should be a priority.
If You Lost Your Job Today, How Long Would You Survive?
Another way to look at your financial goals and figure out where you want to be, is imagine you lost your job today.
Whether you work for an employer or run your own business, imagine your job was gone in 24 hours.
How would you survive?
What would you do?
Do you have an emergency fund to cover expenses?
Once you decide to audit your life situation, I bet you’ll find so many areas you want to change that it starts to look pretty daunting.
But you can make it easier and more manageable by narrowing your focus only on these core areas and drawing up a solid life reset plan.
Your health, home and finances are the most important aspects of your life you need to keep an eye on at all times. However, to keep them in check with ease, it’s equally critical to have a plan and a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Hence the five pillars in a specifically presented order.
Now, I’d like to point out that I’d rate relationships, such as family, friends and community, as THE top pillar of happiness. But this short guide is more about how you can do something for yourself so that you can best serve and enjoy those relationships.
Because the happier and ‘together’ you are, the more joy you’ll bring to your loved ones.
This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.