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9 Powerful Immunity Boosting Supplements To Prevent the Assault of Autumn Illnesses

As winter approaches it’s a good idea to take action against viruses. There are some very powerful natural immunity boosting supplements that can give you strong protection.

The fall is a season of beautiful foliage, misty mornings, and rosy cheeks without the need of a blusher. Unfortunately for some, this period also brings a variety of common illnesses.

The drop in temperature increases your likelihood of a viral infection or flare-ups of certain conditions like asthma. The colder weather can also weaken your body’s defense mechanism.

Add to this the pressure of return to your business-as-usual mode, after a slow summer. Back to the strain of duties, schedules, deadlines, appointments, and bills it is.

Sometimes, seasonal fatigue makes it harder for you to organize and manage your affairs efficiently. That only exacerbates the already existing stress and mental strain.

All of this makes you the perfect host to those brazen viruses and sneaky microbes.

Common Illnesses That Natural Immunity Boosting Supplements Can Fight

There’s no foolproof way of avoiding viral infections or controlling certain disorders. But you can take precautions to decrease your risk and strengthen your immune system. In addition, you can strengthen your system by complementing your diet with some immunity boosting supplements.

Let’s look at the most common autumn illnesses and what you can do to avoid them naturally.

immunity system boosters


The fall season is one of the peak times for flu infections.

The colder temperatures drive us indoors where we’re in closer contact with others. The virus transmits more easily under these conditions. And it can be deadly for the very young and old alike. People with compromised immune systems are also at risk.

Symptoms of the flu include achy muscles, a high fever, chills, headache, coughing, sore throat, nasal congestion, sweating, fatigue, and weakness. The flu shot is a preventative measure to lessen occurrences of infection. 

Common Cold

You can get a cold any time of the year. However, it’s more common during colder months when you’re indoors sharing the same space with other people.

Viruses that bring about the common cold are more easily spread and contracted in colder and dryer air. In addition, the fall season is the start of decreasing temperatures that can weaken immune systems.

Children are especially susceptible to colds during this time due to their proximity to other children in school or daycare centers. Cold germs can live on many surfaces. And children touch just about everything they come into contact with. 


The fall brings changes in the weather that can activate and worsen many allergic conditions. The windy and rainy conditions typical of this time of year stir up and cause allergenic particles to be released into the air.

Many allergy sufferers experience a reaction from spending even very brief periods outdoors. You may inhale particles of allergic matter on your way to work and end up sneezing for the rest of the day.

Allergic reactions often result in runny noses, itchy eyes, a sore throat, and swelling in the facial area. The effects of certain allergies can last through the entire fall season and beyond.

Medications and staying indoors as much as possible can lessen symptoms and occurrences of certain conditions like asthma. 

boost your immunity system in autumn


Sinus infections are very common in autumn and winter. They are caused by allergies, colds, and flu, which are typical of the cold seasons.

Autumn is the prime time for allergens such as molds and ragweed. While the outdoors looks enchanting filled with warm colours, it is also the best time for molds to thrive. The mold spores from decaying vegetation as well as ragweed pollen float in the air, act as irritants for allergy sufferers.

Indoors is no better, as dry air in heated rooms can also irritate our nasal passages. Viruses and bacteria also spread through the recycled air from air conditioning in indoor public spaces, like offices or schools.

Acute Bronchitis

If you have a persistent cough that occurs in autumn, chances are that you have seasonal bronchitis. It’s very common and is usually caused by a cold, flu, or a viral infection.

As temperatures drop, cold air can also act as an irritant.

Bronchitis is most usually accompanied by a dry persistent cough that seems to last forever, chest pain, and loss of appetite.

Avoid anything that can irritate your lungs. Such as smoking, crowded places, an environment with dry air, and air pollution.

Raynaud Syndrome

Raynaud Syndrome may not be well known. However, it’s a fairly common fall illness. The characteristics of the condition are swelling in the hands and face, insufficient blood flow, and coldness or numbness in the extremities. Raynaud Syndrome is more active during the fall season because cooler weather can affect the circulation of blood.

Symptoms are typically mild in the spring and summer months. But they become a bit worse during the winter months. They peak during the fall season. The body has difficulty adapting to the change in the rate of blood circulation. And this leads to various symptoms as the body tries to adjust. People with heart disease suffer from similar manifestations during the fall season because of poor circulation. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is an illness that many refer to as the “winter blues.” Some sufferers can be affected by the disorder in the summer months. But it mainly occurs in the fall or winter months.

SAD is a form of depression that is more prevalent during months with shorter days and less sunlight. It’s associated with abnormalities in circadian rhythms.

Sufferers can have good mental health for most of the year. And then suffer from SAD during a certain season. SAD sufferers may sleep too much. Or they might feel drained for most of the day. SAD can also make you more susceptible to other illnesses. There are treatments available to lessen symptoms, such as light therapy

prevent autumn illness

How Can You Boost Immunity and Prevent Getting Ill in Autumn and Winter?

Although you can’t always escape the germs that cause illness, you can minimize your risk by doing a few simple tasks.

Washing your hands often is probably the easiest way to lessen occurrences of viral illnesses. Especially after direct contact like shaking hands. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere.

Plus we spend much of our time indoors during the months of the fall season. Many hands will touch the surfaces in your workplace or public spaces. Therefore, frequent handwashing is essential.

Maintain your own personal space and keep your distance from anyone with symptoms of illness like coughing or sneezing. Schedule a visit with your healthcare provider as soon as you suspect illness.

Finally, prepare for the fall season by stocking up on vitamins and minerals, as well as some immunity-boosting supplements. And of course, by eating a balanced diet, exercising, getting adequate rest, and dressing appropriately for the weather.

9 Immunity-Boosting Supplements To Keep You Shipshape In Fall and Winter

When it comes to staying healthy, it’s wise to think ahead. Assembling a natural wellness kit now will ensure that your immune system is ready to ward off seasonal maladies.

Vitamins, minerals, and supplements are important to take year-round. But there are some that you should be focusing on in the fall season.

Combining the following immune-boosting supplements with a healthy lifestyle can give you the protection you need to be as healthy as possible throughout the fall.

Here are the most powerful immunity boosting supplements to consider taking this season.

Garlic For Unbeatable Immune System

supplements to boost your immunity system
@Photo by Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash

The health benefits of garlic have been well documented. In fact, there are so many that I salute Mother Nature for designing something so humble yet powerful. Among the numerous virtues of this herb is its ability to super-charge your immune system.

The benefits that garlic offers depend on the processing method. But whether you opt for fresh, fermented, or aged garlic, your body will thank you for choosing such a potent weapon in fighting off the bacteria.

While fresh garlic is a more traditional effective remedy, it’s handy to stock up on supplements in case you run out.

One of the best things to have in your cupboard is aged garlic. Aged garlic extract (AGE) is made from organically grown fresh garlic cloves. The cloves are sliced and soaked in a special solution. Then they are extracted and aged for several months. Research has shown that AGE significantly reduces the symptoms as well as the duration of colds and flu.

You can’t go wrong, as long as you don’t go overboard. And, of course, if you have any health conditions, always consult the dosage with your physician.

Vitamin D To Fight Infections

Naturally produced by your body when exposed to the Sun, Vitamin D depletes with the advance of colder months. Of course, this is because you likely spend less time outdoors. Adding the ‘’sunshine vitamin’’ to your daily supplement intake is very important as autumn sets in.

It will protect you not only against colds and flu but also against respiratory tract infections. Particularly if you suffer from asthma or chronic bronchitis.

If you’re prone to anxiety or fatigue, you’ll appreciate its ability to boost your mood and give you tons of energy.

Vitamin C To Reinforce Immunity’s Defenses

One of the most important combatants against illness is without doubt Vitamin C. Much written about already, Vitamin C represents the top aid against common cold and flu. But amazingly, not only is this nutrient very helpful for just about any condition. Apparently, the list of its benefits keeps on growing with each scientific study!

Watch this space!

You may be getting less Vitamin C due to the changes in the food you eat between summer and fall. You might eat a lot of foods with high amounts of Vitamin C in the summer, as fresh fruit and veg are in season. But in the fall you might crave more filling foods.

Consider taking a vitamin C supplement. This is the best immunity-boosting supplement, not just for the health benefits of this particular vitamin. It’s advisable to take Vitamin C because it enables your iron absorption a little better. In fact, if you take an iron supplement, you can combine it with vitamin C for this very reason.

Make sure to add at least 500 milligrams a day to your daily nutrient intake, in addition to at least 5 fruits and vegetables.

While the safe upper limit is 2,000 milligrams a day, medical professionals confirm 500 milligrams per day is a sufficient amount.

However, if you don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables, or are feeling run down, you can safely increase the intake up to 2,000 milligrams.

winter cold relief
@Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Epicor To Activate and Boost Your Immunity

Based on the proprietary formula, experts hail this supplement for its ability to turbocharge the immune system. Epicor is a yeast-based nutrient produced by the fermentation processes. The production process is subject to a trade secret.

The final product comprises compounds that activate natural killer cells. Killer cells control rogue cells. So kicking them into action strengthens the immune system.  Some studies show that the natural killer cells activate within two hours of taking Epicor.

Epicor is a postbiotic, and together with prebiotics and probiotics forms the Holy Trinity of powerful immunity warriors.

I’ve only learned about Epicor when I was researching this article. Thus far, all reviews I’ve read about it sing praises. So, this supplement has definitely made it onto my next shopping list.

Olive Leaf Extract To Reduce the Risk of Illness

While the benefits of olive oil are well-known, the olive leaf does not hold such a prominent position in popular consciousness. Olive oil is produced from the actual fruit of the olive tree – olives.

Thankfully, our Mediterranean ancestors didn’t discard the modest olive leaf as waste. Instead, they discovered that olive leaf has its own unique healing properties, albeit different from the olive fruit.

In modern terminology, this herb is rich in antioxidants and contains compounds that have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.

This is a great addition to your year-round diet. Its ability to support your immune system makes it an exceptionally hot candidate for your autumn illness prevention too.

As if that wasn’t enough, the olive leaf also aids in weight loss. So investing in this supplement is a no-brainer!

Pelargonium To Shorten Your Illness and Lessen the Symptoms

Another little-known gem is Pelargonium. African geranium is a centuries-old herbal staple in the traditional medicine of South Africa and Europe.

Due to its antiviral, antibacterial, and immunity-boosting properties, it’s great for colds, sinusitis, and bronchitis. Some recent studies have indeed suggested that Pelargonium can reduce the duration of an illness. Some participants in the test reported improvement after just three days!

It’s worth noting that we still don’t know the full efficacy of the herb as the testing is still ongoing.

However, 40-60% of people with acute bronchitis, who took the pelargonium supplement, reported that the illness has cleared within a week. Those whose illness has not cleared fully within a week reported a significant reduction in bronchitis symptoms. Fever, fatigue, headache, chest pain, cough, or a dripping nose faded within days.

Acute bronchitis gone in 3 days? As I am a regular bronchitis sufferer, that sounds good enough to me.

Echinacea To Relieve Illness Symptoms

In contrast to Epicor and Pelargonium, which I am yet to try, Echinacea is a must in my little apothecary all year-round. Another humble, modest, yet potent ally, this herb is a traditional remedy in Native American medicine. Also known as Purple Coneflower, it belongs to the daisy family and grows in the prairies and woodlands of North America.

Echinacea has many beneficial properties. But for the purpose of staying healthy in autumn, I’d highlight its capability to support immunity and reduce inflammation.

This cute daisy is great for fighting infections, colds, flu, and bronchitis. It also clears the associated symptoms, such as pain, headache, and coughs, very fast.

Personally, Echinacea is my most favorite life-saver. I tried it, tested it, and trust it. Every time I suspect I might be coming down with something during winter months, I dissolve a few drops of tincture in water, as per instructions, twice a day.

Instead of the initial symptoms developing into a full-blown illness over the course of the next couple of days, they fade away. So far, it has worked every time.

benefits of echinacea
@Photo by Victoria on Unsplash

Magnesium To Cleanse Body of Toxins

Magnesium is a mineral with detoxifying, immunity-boosting, mood-enhancing, and Vitamin D-producing superpowers.        

You can get it from foods like avocados, eggs, fatty fish, nuts, and seeds. If you don’t eat these foods regularly, you might be deficient in magnesium.

Use magnesium supplements like PrizMAG Plus or MAG365 BF and hot Epsom salt baths. They will help you reduce anxiety, flush out toxins, reduce inflammation, improve your mood, and support the production of Vitamin D.

Magnesium can also help balance your blood sugar levels, and even help with nerve function.

This is one of the most important elements of your health strategy. So be sure to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Zinc the Immunity Boosting Bacteria Killer

Zinc is a resistance fighter and THE great defender against infections. It actively fights pathogens that have already invaded your body. Thus it plays a crucial role in the formation and activation of immune cells. If this isn’t one wicked immunity boosting bad boy, I don’t know what is!

Many people don’t get enough zinc each day because they don’t eat foods it is found naturally in. Foods like meat, shellfish, legumes, dairy, eggs, and whole grains

If you want to avoid sore throats, sniffles, and running nose but don’t think you are getting enough zinc in your food, now is a good time to add the supplement to your daily routine. A quality zinc supplement is an essential investment for the illness-free cold season.

Please remember to consult your physician if you suffer a health condition or if in doubt and purchase high-quality immunity boosting products from a reputable distributor.

Have healthy autumn!


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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