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4 Proven Ways of Holistic Soul Healing For Women

In all the years you have lived on Earth, you’ve been through a lot. Your body, mind, and soul have been broken, ravaged, and torn. But not destroyed. Things can still be patched, you know? Follow these basic holistic healing practices and get through the difficult times with ease. Even though suffering and loss are part of your journey, it’s vital to remember the good stuff too. While bad experiences hurt, they also make us grow.

That’s the good news. They can all be made better. And to do that, to heal yourself, you need to think holistically. You’ll need to attend to your physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social needs.

Imagine your inner self as a patchwork quilt. (Why not?)

In your career as a patchwork quilt, made of different fabrics, colors, patterns, and textures, you inevitably sustain some damage. You get pieces torn off you, you get cut, you get dirtied, you get thrown, you get caught under furniture. But you also get darned, patched up, repaired.

With some caring and gentle tending, you can get mended again. And the same goes for your overall well-being.

Here, I’d like to talk you through my favorite holistic healing self-repair tools.

1. Become More Self-Aware with Mindfulness

Mindfulness provides some amazing benefits during your mission to achieve holistic wellbeing. From helping you to live in the moment, to reducing stress and anxiety.

An excellent perk of being more mindful is becoming more self-aware. It helps you to find clarity. It helps you to understand who you are, who you want to be, and what might be holding you back.

Soul healing

Meditate and Practice Breathing Exercises

To start working on your mindfulness, you can become more self-aware by meditating and practicing breathing exercises.

Meditation is going to help you focus your mind, and, therefore be more mindful through the practice. Keep in mind that it takes some time to learn meditation.

Breathing exercises are really helpful in the beginning, especially when combined with meditation. They will help you to calm and focus your mind. That’s why it’s a good idea to practice breathing before meditating.

You can start by just focusing on your breathing while you slowly inhale and exhale. Just practice this for just a few minutes a day.

Focus on Just One Activity at a Time

Mindfulness is about being in the moment. But that’s really hard to do when your mind is concentrating on 5 things at once.

Try to realign your thoughts to just one task or activity at a time. Don’t focus on anything else during this time.

If you are reading a book, don’t let your mind wander to your to-do list or what you plan to eat for dinner.

When you are enjoying some time with family, try to keep your focus on just that one activity, and not what you intend to do after.

Holistic healing

Slow Down and Sit in Silence

It is not uncommon for us to focus on one thing when we are doing something else. Maybe you always listen to music when going for a walk. Or you watch TV when you are eating dinner.

Try to do these activities separately. Concentrating on the present experience is what you’re after, instead of trying to constantly distract yourself.

If you are not used to doing this, try it during one meal a day. Choose a meal, like breakfast or lunch, where you only focus on your meal and nothing else.

Don’t listen to music, read a book, or use your phone. Just sit quietly and concentrate on the experience of eating this meal.

Move Your Body More Often

Looking after your physical health is an important part of holistic wellbeing. So spend some time each day moving your body.

This doesn’t need to be a strenuous exercise. Keep it simple. Get up and go for a walk, do some yoga, or even just dance around your living room.

Regular exercise helps you to be more self-aware of your body and your sensations. It allows you to really appreciate how much movement you can get.

Soul health
Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels

2. Ways To Nurture Your Mental Wellbeing Through Holistic Healing

When you are focusing on living a more natural and sustainable life, don’t forget about your emotional health. This is crucial for your holistic wellbeing.

So many people focus on their physical health and their environment but forget about their mental and emotional wellbeing.

Here are some easy and natural ways to nurture your emotional health.

Find Healing Holistic Ways to Deal with Your Emotions

If you tend to turn to food or unhealthy habits like drinking or recreational drugs, then you are doing more harm to your emotional health than necessary.

You need to find healthier ways to deal with your emotions. Whether you’re experiencing sadness, anger, frustration, stress, or even happiness and joy.

Think about the emotions or feelings you tend to bottle up or cover up with unhealthy habits.

Maybe you eat a lot when you are stressed, or you turn to alcohol when you are sad.

Not only are these unhealthy, but they are harming your emotional health. Because you are not dealing with the emotions themselves, you are covering them up.

Instead, try writing in a journal, practicing meditation, and just sitting with your feelings.

Use Mindfulness to Be Aware of Your Reactions

Mindfulness is a great way to learn what you are feeling, when, and why.

With mindfulness, you are in each moment, understanding and appreciating what you are going through presently, without worrying about the past or the future.

Each task and activity gets your full attention so you can enjoy and embrace it before moving on to the next. It is a wonderful way to nurture your emotional and mental health.

Work to Manage Stress in Your Daily Life

Stress takes a large toll on your emotional and physical health. There is no better time to figure out your stress triggers and work to manage them in healthier ways, than when you’re trying to boost your holistic wellbeing.

Heal your soul
Essential Oils Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

Start by understanding your own signs of stress. There are both physical and emotional signs of stress, such as:

Once you can identify how you personally change when you’re stressed, you’ll be able to start tracking what’s causing the stress. This lets you know where to start when it comes to managing your stress a little better.

Find More Purpose Behind What You Do

Every action you take should have a purpose. So if you find that you keep making decisions or doing things mindlessly, now is a good time to reassess.

Every time you are about to complete a task or participate in an activity, ask yourself why. Do you have a specific purpose, or is it just habit?

The more meaning you find behind what you do, the more nurtured your mental state becomes.

3. Self-Care and its Impact on Your Holistic Healing and Wellbeing

Self-care is all about nurturing your body and mind, helping you to relax and reduce stress.

It’s a way to remind you to take care of yourself, not just other people in your life.

You can combine self-care routine and holistic healing practice with the following tips.

Spend More Time in Nature

If you are like most people, you don’t spend much time outdoors unless you absolutely must. But the more time you spend in nature and make this a joyful, mindful experience, the more self-care you’ll give yourself.

Being in nature provides you with multiple benefits. You are getting fresh air, which is always a good thing. Plus you get a natural source of vitamin D for more energy and a happier mood.

Nature allows you to be more grounded as you stand in grass or dirt with bare feet. And, of course, walking around in fresh air is fantastic for your heart and mood.

Holistic wellbeing
Photo by Dorota Semla from Pexels

Buy Flowers and Plants for Your Home

Bring nature inside! It isn’t always possible to spend large amounts of time outside. But you can definitely bring some of the earth’s beauty into your home and office.

Nobody can stay outside all day. But when you are in your office or inside your home, you can have fresh-cut flowers or house plants. Not only do they give you some extra oxygen but they also remind you of the beauty that lies just outside your shelter.

Use Essential Oils and Herbs

You can also use essential oils and herbs to practice self-care in natural and holistic ways.

Make essential oils part of your self-care routine. Just turn on a diffuser with relaxing oils like lavender or chamomile during your nighttime routine.

Alternatively, use the scent of sweet orange or bergamot oils in the morning while you’re journaling or doing yoga.

Unplug ging and Relaxing Without Technology Is Critical For Your Holistic Healing Journey

Take some time each day to relax without using any technology.

It doesn’t have to be for a long time. Just put away your phone, close your computer, and turn off your TV.

You can read a book, do some light yoga or other exercise, play with your kids or dogs, go for a walk. Or just sit and do something creative.

4. Why Reducing Stress is Key to Holistic Healing

If you want to live a more holistic lifestyle, don’t forget about your mind and emotional health. When you deal with lots of stress, you tend to revert to unhealthy habits to deal with it. But there are many natural remedies that will help you attain your holistic wellbeing goals

Holistic wellness
Photo by JESSICA TICOZZELLI from Pexels

Use Stress-Relieving Essential Oils

An easy way to reduce stress for your new holistic life is to use essential oils for this purpose.

Essential oils are extracted from the petals, leaves, and stems of various plants, herbs, and flowers.

Some of the best essential oils for relieving stress are lavender, chamomile, lemon, orange, and bergamot.

To relieve stress, you can put a few drops of them in an essential oil diffuser or add them to your bathwater.

Daily Habits That Help to Relieve Stress

There are also some daily habits that will help you to reduce stress, kinckstart your holistic healing and really embrace the new holistic lifestyle.

For example, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise do wonders for your stress levels. Don’t do this to restrict yourself, but rather to focus on health and balance.

You can try relaxing exercises like yoga and tai chi, or just practice a morning stretching routine.

Some other daily stress-busting habits include writing in a journal, reading, unplugging from technology, meditating, practicing mindfulness, and just having a healthy daily routine.

How to heal your soul
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

The Bad Habits You Need to Break

You might have some habits that are doing the opposite for you and are harming your health and holistic living. These can often seem harmless, but really take a toll on your stress levels.

For example, if you use social media a lot, especially with notifications on your phone, it is giving you constant sources of stress. Comparing yourself to others, reading the news, seeing negative or toxic updates, even just reading negativity in the comments can be hard on your mental state.

Some other bad habits that you should break include emotional or stress eating, talking to people who you feel are toxic to your mental health, not getting adequate movement or exercise, and turning to stimulants instead of trying to relieve your stress in natural ways.

Incorporate Adaptogens into Your Life

If you have a large amount of stress in your life, one natural remedy that helps you live a more holistic life is with adaptogens.

These are a type of herbal supplement that actually help you to adapt better to stress.

You can’t always reduce the sources of stress in your life. But you can definitely help support your adrenal glands to help your better deal with it a little better.

A popular type of adaptogen for stress is ashwagandha.

Holistic soul healing

Stylized journals with lines can make journaling more fun. When you have extra guides and points, it’s a lot easier to add the tables, charts, and decorations that will make journaling a fulfilling experience that you can look back on for years.

If this is the kind of thing that captures your interest, then you might be happy to see that the writing journal with a pen loop can accommodate your writing needs on the go. It even has a pocket where you can keep bookmarks and other space holders.

Features of the Dot Grid Paper Notebooks and Journals

The feature of this lovely journal includes dotted and lined pages for easy graphic creation, a pocket within the cover for a small amount of storage, and a dot grid that allows you to make whatever kind of design you wish.

This type of journal is great for bullet journals, but the only limitations that you will encounter will be those placed upon you by your own imagination!

This journal contains 192 pages of high-quality acid-free paper. This makes pages easy to turn, with a thickness that will keep your previous pages from bleeding into each other.

This material is also quite resistant to light damage, so if you have pages that you’re proud of, you can be proud to display them on any refrigerator for years without substantial fading.

Ways to Use It

Every journal is a personal work of each individual, but an inventive spirit can be a garden of creativity.

The main purpose of journaling is to look at a snapshot of information related to you, each day, over a period of time

This allows you to make adjustments based on the types of things that you discover about yourself. If you are finding out all good things, then it’s even better.

You can record the discovery of positive information. That will give you something to look at when you’re feeling off, like a reminder of the things about yourself to be grateful for.

Why We Love it

This journal is an excellently designed study and information sorting aid that you can use in a wide variety of ways.

The materials used in the construction of the journal are also very sturdy and can withstand normal daily use and travel.

The dotted pages provide an excellent base on which to hang the framework of your creative endeavors.

Don’t delay and begin your holistic healing journey today. Just by implementing these tools and practices gradually, and making small changes, you’ll be in a different place a year from now.


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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