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8 Impressive Reasons Garlic Is Good For Women Over 40

If you’re over 40, eating garlic in your daily diet is one of the best and cheapest health investments you can make.

Garlic is by no means an ordinary herb. Although many people use it in their cooking on a regular basis, you might not realize that it has a host of healing benefits.

Bothered by the strong taste and odor?

The good news is that you can get the best medicinal benefits by either using this herb in your cooking or as a supplement.

So no, you don’t have to be exclusively committed to raw garlic and put up with the stink!

Here are the topic this article covers:

Why Does Garlic Do to Your Body When You’re Over 40?

As I mentioned above, garlic has many properties that are generally beneficial to overall health.

But what is its specific value for mature ladies?

It boasts features that can offer significant improvements to many afflictions women face as they grow older.

For example, I wouldn’t be surprised if you knew someone in your circle with breast cancer. The risk of breast cancer increases with a woman’s age.

Equally, issues like fatigue, arthritis, cognitive decline, weight gain, and aging skin are something we need to increasingly deal with.

Well, this herb can help with all of these, and many more afflictions, that you need to manage as you get older.

We’ll go through the individual features and benefits.

But before that, let’s take a look at this phenomenal plant’s background.

benefits of garlic for women's health
Garlic and onion have amazing benefits for your health.

About Garlic

What exactly is garlic?

It is an herb that belongs to the onion family, a reason why onion and garlic flavors go so well together.

Some other seasonings and herbs within this family include shallots, chives, and leeks.

In recent years, as more people get interested in holistic medicine, this herb has been used more for its natural healing properties.

And not just as a delicious and healthy way to flavor food.

This information is going to provide you with an insight into how garlic can be used in natural healing.

What Healing Properties Does Garlic Have?

You are probably most curious about what kind of healing properties and medicinal qualities this plant has. That is why we’re here after all!

Here is a bit of information about the history of this great gift of nature, and what’s in it that gives it those healing benefits.

In the next section, we will get more specific about how you can benefit from it.

The History of This Herb

Before understanding where the healing properties come into place, it can help to know a little about how it became a popular way for natural healing in the first place.

The history of garlic use goes as far back as 5,000 years ago in Egypt and India. During this time, it was one of the first horticulture crops and called the stinking rose.

It was used to ward off evil, then over the years used for seasoning food, and for holistic remedies.

Where Do the Healing Properties Come From?

The reason garlic has so many health benefits comes down to its different properties.

But the main beneficial compound is an oil called allicin. This oil is where garlic gets both its pungent odor and the intense flavor.

Allicin is a natural antibacterial, which is why garlic’s health benefits are often related to antibacterial properties.

In addition to this, there are more than 40 other healthy compounds, including selenium, flavonoids, and arginine present in the herb.

What Are the Main Health Benefits of Garlic For Women Over 40?

Now for the actual healing benefits, you can get from this herb.

Hold on to your spectacles, ladies!

1. Garlic Boosts Your Immune System

One of the benefits lies in improving their immune system.

While taking or eating garlic isn’t going to provide a cure or full prevention of illnesses, it can reduce the risk because it strengthens your immune system.

In fact, immunity shots that are natural often contain garlic, because of how well t works as a natural immunity booster.

Since raw form has antibacterial properties, it prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms and kills viruses.

It also aids in zinc absorption. And since zinc is the top player in immunity enhancement, this stinky specimen thus naturally increases your body’s ability to fight diseases.

2. It Balances Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and Diabetes

Another excellent health benefit is that it can help to balance your cholesterol, blood pressure levels as well as blood sugar levels.

It lowers your blood pressure while decreasing your bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol.

In addition, this amazing plant is equally effective in controlling diabetes. Certain elements in garlic aid in lowering blood sugar levels.

All these factors together provide great support to your blood’s performance and circulation.

And optimal circulation not only mitigates your health risks but also helps you to age gracefully.

garlic for diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure
Garlic boosts your immune system. Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

3. It Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

Your heart health is not something you ever want to mess around with.

That’s why boosting your cardiovascular health is such an incredible health benefit of garlic.

Many studies have been performed with garlic extract and placebos.

They show that the people who ate garlic extract indeed improved their overall cardiovascular health. Including reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure.

The herb also unclogs arteries and thus prevents blood clotting.

4. Use as a Natural Antibiotic

When you get an infection, you typically go to your doctor for a harsh antibiotic prescription.

It can be expensive and a little hard on your body and gut.

Plus, you can build an immunity to antibiotics when you take them too often.

But what if there was a natural solution?

Garlic has actually been shown to be a powerful antibiotic.

garlic is a natural antibiotic
Use garlic to protect your heart. Photo by Puwadon Sang-ngern from Pexels

5. Garlic Is Good For Hair Growth, Glowing Skin, Detox and Weight Loss

Glowing mature skin, lush hair, and a shapely body do not have to be just a vanishing memory of your lost youth, you know?

Raw garlic is a powerful ally when it comes to general detox and inhibiting bacterial growth.

Allicin, the special compound found in raw garlic aids in cleansing blood and thus supports the removal of toxins from your body. As we know, this amazing herb also supports blood circulation.

All this together will, of course, improve the quality of your skin. Apart from the desired glow you get thanks to cleansed and properly circulating blood, garlic also acts as a serious pore minimizer!

Similarly, the high content of Vitamin C in raw garlic prevents bacterial growth. This helps maintain healthy, infection-free skin. Not only your complexion and skin benefit though.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, Vitamin C in raw garlic also protects your scalp from bacteria that affect follicles.

Whether you eat your it raw or cooked, its special properties will rejuvenate both your skin and your hair.

And did you know that due to garlic’s anti-cancerous properties, you can also protect yourself from skin cancer? I did not know until I started writing this article that you can actually get garlic sunscreen!

Another function of allicin, that magic ingredient, is that it reinforces metabolism. This means that if you’re looking to manage your weight loss, eating garlic is one of the most effective ways to reduce fat naturally.

garlic supports weight loss
Garlic gives you lush hair and glowing skin. Photo by Юлиана Маринина from Pexels

6. It Reduces Fatigue, Relieves Stress and Treats Menopause Symptoms

If you’re feeling tired, either due to daily grind or simply due to hormonal changes that you face as a woman, garlic is a great assistant in fighting tiredness.

Not only can it help you reduce fatigue. It can also make you feel better. The compounds present in garlic play a role in producing and releasing the happiness hormone called serotonin. This hormone is known to improve mood.

What’s even more amazing, the herb can help you reduce hot flushes during perimenopause and menopause.

So, if you want to feel more refreshed, less irritable, and get rid of hot flushes, it’s time to add garlic to your daily diet.

7. It Prevents Arthritis

As you age, you become increasingly vulnerable to fractures, as your joints become weaker due to loss of bone density.

But you can take preventative measures against this. Regular garlic consumption is certainly one of them.

By eating raw garlic every day, you can reduce your chances of getting arthritis and even cure osteoporosis.  This is because substances in the herb reduce joint inflammation and prevent cartilage deterioration.

Moreover, garlic enhances the production of estrogen which maintains good bone density. It will thus help you prevent bone loss.

garlic supports health
Garlic relieves menopause symptoms.

8. Possible Benefits: Brain Health and Reducing Your Risk of Cancer

In this last section, we want to preface by saying studies are still being performed to look at exactly how well garlic can help with cancer and brain health.

However, the results do look good so far.

Certain substances in garlic prevent antioxidant stress. It also contains selenium, which stops the growth of cancer cells. All in all, this plant helps to protect your body from certain types of cancers, including colon, prostate, and stomach cancer.

Consuming either fresh garlic, its extracts, or supplements can all be used to prevent the growth of cancerous cells.

Studies have also been done to look at the effectiveness of garlic for your cognitive function and reducing the risk of getting diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia.

High in antioxidants, this plant can reduce the damage antioxidants cause to your brain cells. So if you want to slow down your brain aging, learn easily and improve your memory, eat garlic.

How to Use Garlic for Healing

Understanding what this herb can do for you is only the first step.

Your next step is to be a little more familiar with how to use it.

The good news?

In most cases, just consuming it is going to let you benefit from it!

Different Ways to Use Garlic

how to use garlic
There are many ways to use garlic. Photo by alleksana from Pexels

Consume it – The easiest way to benefit from using garlic is by eating it. This is with either eating it raw or using it more in your cooking.

The raw plant does have more potent healing properties, so that is something to keep in mind.

I like my mine chopped up into small pieces and sprinkle on eggs, mushrooms, and cheese.

To get the most out of its healing properties, let it stand for a while after you chop it or crush it. This will help release those healing elements.

garlic helps with weight loss
Garlic helps you to lose weight. Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

Crush it and apply it on your skin – A few different health remedies with garlic require actually using it on your skin, as opposed to ingesting it.

For example, it can help a lot with an athlete’s foot. You actually crush raw herb and rub it on your feet.

Another option is to rub it on pimples to help them go away, though be careful not to use it with any cracks in the skin or open wounds.

Use garlic oil or extract – Other options include getting oil to consume or rub on your body or using a garlic extract.

Drink garlic water – it’s so simple to make, yet a perfect way to get all the benefits that garlic has to offer. And a natural way to lose belly fat fast!

Peel and then chop (crush or mince) 3 cloves and place them in a cup of warm water. Add a few slices of lemon, a teaspoon of honey, and a few drops of olive oil. Leave to stand for up to 30 minutes.

Drink this concoction in the morning on an empty tummy, every 3 days. Then watch your belly fat melt away!

best ways to use garlic
Make garlic water to reduce body fat. Photo by Vicky Tran from Pexels

Alternative: Using Garlic in Cooking

As we mentioned, just cooking with garlic is one of the ways you can get the healing benefits, while also seasoning your food.

Here are a few quick tips for cooking with this herb.

Choose the Right Garlic Bulb

When you are shopping for a garlic bulb at the grocery store, look for plump, fresh garlic where the skin doesn’t look dry and is not peeling off.

If it is, it is likely old and not going to stay fresh for very long. Pick up the garlic and make sure the skin is smooth and doesn’t come off in your hands.

A Little Goes a Long Way

Be careful how much garlic, whether pressed or minced, you add to your dishes. If you are new to using it, start with a small amount, no more than a clove or two.

As you start cooking more with it, you will become more familiar with how much you want to use.

Don’t Burn it!

Garlic cooks fast, often much faster than other ingredients in your pan. It is best to leave it until the end in most cases after you have heated your oil and sautéed onions.

If you throw it in first thing, it will likely burn before you are done cooking. Once it turns bitter, it has been overcooked and your dish won’t taste the same.

More Tips and Tricks for Using Garlic

Before you go out and buy some garlic to achieve all these wonderful holistic benefits, we have some final tips and tricks for you.

You Can Eat it Raw

Something that tends to surprise most people is that if you want to consume your garlic for its health benefits, you can actually eat it raw!

You definitely need to be okay with the smell and flavor, since it is still pretty pungent when it isn’t cooked.

However, the antibacterial properties are much higher in raw garlic, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.

Reducing the Breath Odor

Once you start eating garlic, whether raw or in a dish you prepared, your breath might smell strong. It can last quite a long time, as well as the lingering taste in your mouth.

To remedy this, try chewing on some mint or apple slices after you eat the garlic, and that should help freshen your bit a little.

lose weight with garlic
Use garlic to manage your weight. Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

Be Careful When Infusing Garlic

A lot of different herbs can be infused in oil like olive oil or cooking oil, but with garlic, you need to use it right away.

This should not be done with oil you intend to store for a long time, or it is going to spoil and can even grow bacteria.

Make sure you infuse it close to when you plan to cook with it.


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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