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10 Amazing Benefits of Dandelion For Menopause and Diabetes

10 Amazing Benefits of Dandelion For Menopause and Diabetes

Dandelion is more than a humble weed. It’s one of the best remedies for menopause symptoms, PMS and diabetes. Because it’s a phytoestrogen plant, it acts as a natural hormone replacement. This means that the estrogen-like compounds it contains can mimic the ‘real’ estrogen. Other compounds present in dandelion significantly lower the blood sugar levels. Thus making dandelion one of the top healing herbs for women dealing with diabetes and menopause.

Ways to Use Dandelion for Menopause and Diabetes

If you’re looking for ways to heal your body without using chemicals and prescription medications, then using healing herbs is a great place to start.

These herbs have been used for centuries as the main source of medicine. Long before prescription medications and chemists ever existed.

There’s a long list of herbs that can heal many ailments.

From pains like headaches and stomachaches, to improving your digestion and helping with serious medical conditions.

One of the top herbs to add to your natural health routine is dandelion.

Benefits of dandelion.
Photo by raphael-brasileiro

What is Dandelion?

Dandelion or dandelion root is a medicinal herb with many amazing benefits.

Though you might know of it more as an annoying weed sprouting all over your garden.

Yes, it can be considered a weed when it grows in your backyard or local fields.

But some types of dandelion are filled with nutrients and medicinal qualities.

You can get dandelion in any field outdoors. The problem is that they might have pesticides or other chemicals based on who grew them.

This is why it’s best to get the dandelion from an herbalist or health store, where you know it was grown organically without any chemicals.

Nutrients in Dandelion

You’ll soon learn about all the ways you can use dandelion for healing.

But first let’s look at some of its healing properties and natural nutrients.

Dandelion is an excellent source of beta-carotene, which you might know as vitamin A.

It also provides the following:

Vitamin C

Keep reading to learn about 10 different ways you can use dandelion or dandelion root for healing.

1. Support Your Bone Health

The first health benefit of using dandelion greens as a holistic remedy is by improving your bone health.

Looking after your bones is critical to your health, as the bones lose density and become more fragile as we age.

There are different ways to use dandelion, whether you consume the greens or use dandelion root.

Dandelion has a lot of essential nutrients, including a lot of calcium.

In a cup of dandelion greens, you get approximately 10 percent of the calcium you need in a day.

Furthermore, the vitamin K content of dandelion helps to protect you against osteoporosis.

Support your bone strength.
Photo by katherine-a-photography

2. Improve Your Digestion

If you’ve been having digestive issues lately, such as bloating, gas, or bowel changes, then you might need a natural laxative.

That’s where dandelion comes in.

The nutrients in dandelion will help with your digestive system.

Dandelion is great for your digestive health as it can have a mild laxative effect.

It can help to move things along more naturally without having to take something else.

Again, you can use the dandelion greens to consume in a tea or even a salad or soup.

If you don’t want to use the dandelion greens, try getting dandelion root tea as it will work in a similar way.

3. Get Help Managing Diabetes

You’ll kill two birds with one stone if you use dandelion while dealing with menopause and diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious medical condition that you should never take lightly.

While you should not attempt to replace conventional medical treatments for diabetes with a natural approach, it’s still good to supplement those treatments for better management of the condition.

One of the options available to you is to make some dandelion juice.

This is one of the lesser known ways to use dandelion greens and root.

It can work really well for you though.

Because dandelion helps to stimulate production of insulin, it’s useful when you need an extra help in lowering your blood sugar level. And that’s great for managing your diabetes.

When you make juice with dandelion greens, it’s going to be on the bitter side. So you might want to add some other sweeter ingredients for improved taste.

Just be careful not to use too many sugar-laden fruits in the juice as that might have the opposite effect.

Try adding more greens to the juice until you are happy with the taste.

You can also add low-sugar fruits like berries.

Another option is simply to make your favorite green juice and add in some dandelion greens for added nutrients.

Which not only helps with diabetes but a lot of other ailments as well.

4. Reduce Your Blood Pressure

As you probably know, having high blood pressure is known as the “silent killer”.

This is because there aren’t usually any signs or symptoms of having high blood pressure, also called hypertension.

Photo by jannes-jacobs

It’s silent, but it can have disastrous consequences.

People who leave this untreated are at a much higher risk for heart disease and stroke, which can be fatal.

Lowering your blood pressure may require taking a medication, changing your diet, getting more exercise, and trying some natural remedies like using dandelion.

Dandelion juice can be used for reducing your blood pressure as well as helping with your diabetes condition.

It helps to work as a diuretic, along with reducing your cholesterol thanks to the fiber content.

There’s also potassium in dandelion which can work to counteract with too much sodium in your diet.

5. Improve Liver and Kidney Function

Another way that the natural diuretic qualities of dandelion can benefit your health is by helping to detox your body and cleanse your liver and kidneys.

When you detox these vital organs, you are clearing out any waste left behind, including an excess amount of salt or water.

If you have too much waste in your kidneys, it can lead to a lot of issues with your body’s urinary system.

You need to detox your organs to get rid of any toxins in your kidney.

It can also help perform a similar function with your liver, including getting rid of those toxins and helping to get more electrolytes in your body.

A simple natural detox like this can work wonders, especially when you’re felling that menopause fatigue and irritation!

6. Use for Women’s Health

There are some unique health benefits for women who start using natural herbs like dandelion greens and root.

You already learned about how the nutrients in this herb can help with your bone health and preventing osteoporosis, which is a big risk for women especially.

But that’s not the only benefit for females.

It can also help to reduce your risk of other things that plague women, such as mastitis of the breasts, urinary tract infections, and hormonal imbalances.

With a hormonal imbalance, it might sound minor, but can cause things like anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue, unexplained weight gain, hair loss, and much more. It’s best to treat it in the most natural way possible.

Herbs for health.
Photo by alessia-marzotto

Using Dandelion for Women

You can try dandelion in its different forms when using it as a female to help stave off these conditions and ailments. This might include drinking dandelion juice, adding the greens to a salad or smoothie, or having some dandelion tea.

7. Dandelion May Be a Great Aid For Menopause and Diabete Weight Control

Dandelion can also assist you if you are having trouble losing weight.

It can’t be used on its own for weight loss. But you can use it as a way to help with weight loss along with your diet and exercise efforts as well.

So how does dandelion help with weight loss?

Primarily it helps by being used as a diuretic.

This means that more frequent peeing will help you get rid of excess water you might be holding onto.

Excess water not only adds on the pounds but causes bloating as well.

Dandelion also reduces fat absorption in your body and breaks down fat in your pancreas.

As you can see, by adding one simple type of dandelion to your diet, like a juice or tea, you are getting a multitude of health benefits all at the same time.

8. Lower Your Cholesterol

Not only will dandelion help to lower your blood pressure naturally.

It can also help to balance out your cholesterol levels.

It can lower your bad cholesterol (LDL), while helping to encourage higher good cholesterol (HDL).

While some forms of cholesterol are a good thing for your body, too much of the LDL cholesterol can lead to a higher risk of heart disease, just like having high blood pressure.

If your doctor finds that you have high cholesterol, you want to lower it in the most natural way possible.

Studies have shown that both dandelion roots and leaves can help to balance out your cholesterol levels, thanks to the many nutrients they contain.

These nutrients support protection against atherosclerosis, the thickening of your arteries caused by an accumulation of plaque.

9. Reduce Inflammation

Dandelion is a great way to reduce inflammation in your body.

Inflammation not only happens in your joints and skin, but inside your body as well.

It often goes unseen, but can cause a lot of different side effects.

If you have a condition like arthritis, the inflammation causes pain and discomfort, which often requires medications to lessen it.

However, you can also try natural remedies like dandelion.

Garden herbs for health.
Photo by olechka_khusnutdinova

10. Treat Your Skin and Acne Issues

The last way that dandelion can help with natural healing and holistic care is by treating various skin and acne issues.

As you know, managing good skincare can get tricky, especially if you have conditions like rosacea or eczema.

It requires finding the right skincare routine and products, trying to go as natural as possible, and knowing when and how to manage flare-ups.

The more natural you can go, the better off your skin will be.

You can either consume dandelion greens or root tea to help provide nutrients that help with your skin or make a salve that is applied directly to the problem areas.

Use Dandelion As a Supplement In Menopause and Diabetes Self Care

I hope I convinced you that dandelion is a great plant to supplement your menopause and diabetes self-care. Rich in Vitamins A, E, C, K and B2 (riboflavin) and containing minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and phosphorus, it’s worth paying attention to this modest garden flower.

As usual for anyone with a medical condition, consult your medical professionals before you make changes to your diet, to make sure nothing interferes with your prescribed medications.


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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