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Stay Young With the Time-Defying Magic of These Anti-Aging Super Foods

Do you wish you could turn back the hands of time? To look fresh and feel light again? To think sharp and clear? It’s only natural to want to look beautiful and radiate health. There’s no shame in it. And you achieve that with anti-aging super foods.

What Are Anti-Aging Super Foods?

We may be proud of our hard-earned wrinkles and silver threads in our hair. This is the signature of the time spent on Earth. Sometimes, a testament of gained wisdom. And often, our bodies bear tattoos of utter foolishness.

Like one too many tequila shots (with dark handsome strangers).

But to be honest with you, I’d prefer to keep my wisdom hidden and have that face with zero saggy jowls please, thank you very much.

Where do you stand on that?

Do you wish to reverse the time restore youthfulness?

Or you are looking to improve mental clarity and memory?

If so, you’ll want to read every word of this article.

Because we’re going to highlight the top anti-aging foods and supplements that’ll make you feel young again.

Or, at least shave off a few years.

anti aging superfoods


Do you want to feel youthful and stave off the signs of aging?

Then incorporate powerful anti-aging foods, supplements, and nutrients into your diet. This strategy is simply unrivalled in terms of effectiveness and long-term results.

There are very specific foods that are known to boost and nurture the production of collagen and regenerate cells. Collagen and cell regeneration help increase elasticity. making your skin look smooth and youthful.

Better yet, these foods and supplements go beyond simply reversing the effects of aging and improving the look and feel of your skin.

They’ll also boost energy levels, improve your memory and focus. And in many cases, they’ll even help you fight off disease!

Are you ready to get on the path towards looking and feeling younger than you have in years?

Let’s begin!

Forever Young

There may not be such a thing as a fountain of youth.

But the foods and supplements featured in this section will quickly help you get on the path towards looking and feeling younger.

You know the saying ‘You are what you eat.’

If that’s true, it’s time to take a serious look at your diet and the type of foods you’ve been consuming.

Because they may contribute to lack of energy, brain fog, wrinkles and bad skin.

From what I’ve been reading, I’d say the biggest enemy is processed foods.

Processed food will leave your skin dry and wrinkled.

The worst invention that humankind has ever come up with after the atomic bomb. Causing hormonal disruption. And therefore an array of life-long crippling conditions. But I digress.

Let me put it this way: no one wants to have crumbling bones, skin like a shriveled prune and a doughy puffy face. And so, we’d better lay off unnatural stuff.

anti aging superfoods

But seriously.

You can reclaim at least some of that youthful radiance and the lightness of being and begin the transformation!


Next time you’re out grocery shopping, stock up on these expert-recommended ingredients.

Sesame Seeds


It shouldn’t be.

Sesame seeds are high in calcium and rich in many other minerals.

Including magnesium, iron and fiber.

All of which support healthy bones.

Yes, they’ll prevent your bones from crumbling to dust.


Pineapple includes a powerful mineral called manganese.

Manganese activates one of the enzymes that helps with the formation and increased production of collagen.

Why does collagen matter so much?

An added boost of collagen production will give you an immediate improvement in skin strength and elasticity.

And that, my ladies, will make you look youthful and toned indeed.

anti aging superfoods

Delay Aging With Dark Chocolate

Not only is dark chocolate loaded with anti-aging benefits.

It’s also great as a replacement for sugary cravings if you’re trying to cut carbs and lose weight.

Dark chocolate is packed with flavanols, which are known to increase blood flow to the skin which improves overall circulation.

And there’s an added benefit too.

Because the flavanols found in dark chocolate have the ability to absorb UV radiation.

Therefore, you’ll be able to protect your skin from the damaging effects of sun exposure.

anti aging superfoods

Blueberries Are The King of Anti-Aging Super Foods

One of the top power berries of them all.

Blueberries contain more antioxidants than nearly any other fruit!

Better yet, they also reduce skin damage caused by sun exposure.

But there’s yet another reason to incorporate blueberries into your daily diet.

The reason?

They contain high levels of Vitamin C.

Which works to prevent wrinkles and smooth fine lines.

Tip: Blueberries are also known to help protect your skin from emotional stress.

They are filled with polyphenols that will help keep your mind sharp.

So go ahead and include one-half cup of blueberries into your diet every day.

Yes, just half-cup a day will help you prevent cell-structure damage and prevent the loss of firmness in your skin.

Pomegranate Is The Top Choice Among Anti-Aging Super Foods

It should come as no surprise that pomegranate is an essential fruit when it comes to anti-aging.

Softening your skin so that it looks and feels years younger.

Pomegranate is a top ingredient in many shakes, smoothies and vitamin-based drinks.

As well as in many anti-aging and weight loss recipes.


anti aging superfoods

Because pomegranate contains high levels of ellagic acid and punicalagin, found in its seeds.

Ellagic acid is a compound that fights damage from free radicals.

While punicalagin is a super nutrient that helps boost collagen production and connective tissue.

Both of which will give your skin a soft, plump and smooth look.

Tip: Try to incorporate more than pomegranate juice. Consider purchasing seeds that you can sprinkle into foods and recipes.

Kale, Spinach or Swiss Chard Are Classic Anti-Aging Super Foods

When it comes to firming up that loose skin and minimizing wrinkles, take your pick between these three power foods.

These vital veggies include special phytonutrients that help protect your skin from sun damage.

While fuelling your body with antioxidant compounds.

Spinach is loaded with beta-carotene, a powerful nutrient that has been proven to improve overall skin elasticity.

Swiss chard leaves, as well as Kale, are loaded with chlorophyll, a super nutrient that can block the effects of cancer-causing chemicals!


Try to include 3-4 cups of kale, spinach or Swiss chard into your daily diet.

And why not replace iceberg or romaine lettuce with spinach?

Love the Skin You’re In

Want to reduce skin redness, fine lines and wrinkles?

There are a handful of super-foods and nutrient-based supplements that you’ll want to include in your diet.

Let’s take a closer look.

Top Anti-Aging Super Foods for Reducing Fine Lines & Wrinkles


Watercress is known to increase the circulation and delivery of nutrients and minerals throughout your body.

This means improved oxygenation of the skin.

Which will subsequently reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Tip: Add a handful of watercress to a salad 3-4 times a week for maximum results.

anti aging superfoods


There are few super foods quite as effective at boosting skin elasticity as papaya.

This delicious fruit contains a ton of antioxidants as well as other important vitamins and minerals.

Some of these vitamins include: Vitamins A, C, E and K as well as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

Papaya is often found in skin masks and cosmetics.

Because of its ability to help your body shed dead cells while working at helping to reduce inflammation.

Papaya will make your skin look smoother.

Tip: Incorporate just 2-3 cups of papaya into your weekly diet. It’ll help you experience the many benefits of this power fruit.

Avocado Is The Most Versatile of Anti-Aging Super Foods

Known for its high levels of Vitamin A and B-complex.

Avocado is one of the best fruits for nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

It’s also a popular snack for those looking to lose weight.


Well, it’s not only healthy because of all the good stuff it contains.

It’ll make you feel fuller for longer periods of time.

And if you don’t overdo it (it’s quite fatty), you can use it for your weight loss journey.

Top Anit-Aging Super Foods for Increased Collagen Production

Your body is constantly at work, creating new collagen.

But somewhere around the age of 30-35 years old, collagen levels begin to taper off.

Worse, the quality of collagen being produced is not as high as when you were younger.

What does this mean for you?

It means that you need to include certain foods and supplements that support and promote the production of new collagen.

anti aging superfoods

But it doesn’t end with foods.

It’s also a good idea to apply topical collagen products if possible.

Here are a few foods that will help restore and repair damaged collagen.

These foods will also prime your body, so you are also able to regenerate collagen.

Red Bell Peppers

Peppers are packed with antioxidants which are incredibly important for reversing the signs of aging.

They contain high levels of Vitamin C as well as carotenoids, an incredibly powerful antioxidant.

The reason why antioxidants are so effective at looking and feeling younger?

Because they aid in skin repair.

Besides that, they also reduce inflammation and clean up reactive free radicals.

You know, those pesky free radicals that can cause serious damage to our DNA.

Many antioxidants also work to stimulate the production of collagen.

And as we know, collagen will help smooth out your skin while giving you a youthful glow.

You can find antioxidants in many different products including cosmetics, dietary supplements and even sunscreen.

Tip: Slice 1 cup of red bell peppers and dip them in Greek yogurt or hummus as a healthy, on-the-go snack.


Fish, such as salmon, haddock and tuna are loaded with omega-3 fatty acid.

And omega-3 fatty acid is imperative when it comes to regenerating collagen.

Red Veggies

We’ve already mentioned how red bell peppers are an effective way of boosting collagen levels.

But don’t overlook all the other red veggies as many of them are equally as powerful including tomatoes and beets.

Red vegetables contain the potent antioxidant lycopene.

Lycopene not only works as a natural sunscreen.

It also works towards increasing collagen levels in your body.


Quite simply, soy blocks the aging process.

You can get your fill of soy from products.

Like soy milk, tofu or cheese.

So do your best to work some of these foods into your diet.

Wondering why soy is so helpful at slowing down the aging process?

It’s because it contains genistin.

A plant-based hormone that blocks MMP enzymes which age the skin.

Secret Weapon Among Anti-Aging Super Foods

The truth is, the secret to reducing the signs of aging all come down to one thing: eating healthy.

Buying expensive creams or paying for treatments will only go so far.

And typically they are temporary.

Which means you’d need to pay again and again just to maintain that youthful look.

However, with a healthy diet that includes foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients…

Well, you’ll be able to enjoy a youthful look while feeling beautiful inside and out.

For many years to come.

Extra Tips

Tip 1: Avoid Inflammatory Foods

Cut out inflammatory foods such as fast foods as well as sugar, dairy and gluten.

They all increase inflammation which speeds up the signs of aging.

In addition, avoid processed foods whenever possible.

Tip 2: Stay Hydrated

Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to keep your skin looking smooth and healthy.

The more hydrated your skin is, the healthier and younger you’ll look.

Tip 3: Incorporate Omega Fatty Acids into your Diet

Fatty acids, such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, coconut oil and avocado.

These are all great choices when it comes to keeping your skin hydrated.

Tip 4: Consume Protein

One of the reasons we get wrinkles is due to losing collage and elastin in our skin.

One of the easiest ways to avoid losing elasticity is to consume proteins that contain amino acids.

These powerful protein sources will help to repair skin damage and prevent premature aging.

You can find amino acids in foods like fish, grains, seeds and nuts.

And you may be surprised to discover that tofu is yet another great source of amino acids.

anti aging superfoods

Tip 5: Drink Rooibos Tea

Consuming this tea will fuel your body with important polyphenols.

Polyphenols help protect your skin from premature aging. They’ll keep out those excessive wrinkles.

It’s also a great alternative to coffee!

You can replace your daily coffee with rooibos tea a few times a week.

Coffee is known to dehydrate your skin.

So choosing rooibos tea as a substitute will help minimize that.

Tip 6: Focus on Citrus

Citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and lemons are all rich in Vitamin C.

But they also help amino acids transform into much-needed collagen.

Final Words On Anti-Aging Super Foods

When it comes to reversing the signs of aging as well as minimizing unsightly wrinkles, red skin or fine lines, there are many ways you can do this without surgery.

Choosing a healthy diet is the most important decision you will make if you’re serious about looking and feeling younger on the inside out.

I hope that this article has provided you with a list of foods and supplements to get you started.

But you’ll want to continue your research so you can incorporate as many anti-aging super-foods, protein and mineral sources into your diet as possible.

So that you can blossom beautifully.


This article was written by Zuzana Halliwell. I am not a doctor or health professional and cannot be held liable for the information written here. This article is meant to provide information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet. The content is based on my own personal experience and on information provided by medical professionals that is available to the public. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Do not use it as an alternative to seeking help from a medical professional.

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